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Youtube, Bottomless Well of "Musicians"

March 23 2007

Someone posted this joke, and I honestly can't say it any better...

How many guitarists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

11: one to screw it in, and 10 to bitch about how they could have done it better.

Seriously, what is with the overabundance of people on youtube, who, whenever someone posts themselves playing guitar or a band playing, never fail to complain about how that guitarist/band totally blows?  It's ridiculous.  The worst is whenever someone *gasp* starts to "shred".  It's rock, folks; it's supposed to be over the top.

It's frustrating to know that there will always be a substantial majority of the people who refuse to perform in front of people but would rather critique everyone else to the small minority of people who have the balls to put their stuff out there, moreso if they're amateur, obviously.