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Republicans are dumb, but Democrats prove to be far dumber.

August 28 2006
For those of you who don't receive the Tennessean on a daily basis, yesterday (Sunday), they included an article that dared to say that most Democratic candidates for congressional elections oppose a timetable or specific time to withdraw troops from Iraq.  Why?  Let me tell you why.  Democrats have been playing the blame game i.e. "Bush is bad, blah blah...Karl Rove is bad, blah, blah..." with only one objective in mind--to discredit the Republicans and win back power.  Problem is that they don't know what to do when they get it.  They're just bullshitting until they can think of a better way to do things.  I think this was evident in the fact Kerry didn't win.  He wasn't for total withdrawal: he was for a multilateral approach, whatever the hell that was supposed to mean.  Libertarians were for immediate withdrawal.  Now whether that's a good idea is up for discussion; I'm just sick and tired of Democrats giving us the 411 on why we should hate Republicans when, honestly, they couldn't do a better job at the present moment.  Many people agree that we wouldn't have gone into war (at least so quickly) if we could turn back time, but we can't.  Democrats can't.  So reminding all of the world that America is wrong and that its troops are just cruel bastards to helpless terrorist inmates without a decent solution to all of those problems besides "holding Bush accountable" doesn't aid the current situation.  No, I don't agree with the war, but Saddam was close to Hitler in lack of morality...ask any Kurd what happened to their friends and relatives that stayed in Iraq.  But these things are beside the point.  Looking backward is foolish without a clear plan for the future, which neither party seems to have.  They just seem to be playing power struggle.

Chris Jensen

August 28 2006
I always find it frustrating to hear the "blame game" about the war... There was a 100% vote to go to war, no one disagreed (in the political world anyway) and now everyone is trying to point fingers... point them at what? They can only go right back to themselves. It is always scary to think of what would have happend during 9/11 if Gore was in office, or to think of what would be going on now if Kerry was in office. And everyone pointing fingers about all the economical junk is only a result of what Clinton did in office, the economics that are caused by a president do not show their fruits (whether good or bad) till after they are out of office. Just a couple of my cents to add...

Matt Hicks

August 28 2006
What He Said..


August 30 2006
political parties suck ass. there is no representation of the people anymore. but i would propose that a reason the democrats might be refusing to set a date to be out of iraq is because they would rather just move towards that, allowing it to take as long as neccessary to finish what we started.