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The Stagnant

April 05 2006
Life is stagnant.
I feel alone most of the time, and before a couple of people say, "Well, you're not alone: Jesus is a friend closer than a brother," keep quiet long enough for me to tell you that, unless God changes His mind, He has not shown up physically lately.  For the most part, however, life has just slipped me boredom along with my elixir of events, yet the effects don't seem that drastic, I guess.  I don't know.
Actually, I'm lucky to be on the internet today because I think a short in the wiring in my room causing me not to be able to get on most of the time.  I was almost too nervous to peer into my inbox.  (We get a lot of junk email at GaTech.)
So, anyway, besides Beatles fad of Paul and Doughty, and the accompanying venture capitalism of weed and Halo 2, nothing much sparks interest (or contempt for the Beatles) in my soul.  All weed has been free for me for a while now, although I don't like mooching off of the rest of the gang; as Trotter said, though, such distribution of goods tends to be communal nonetheless.  But worries abide as to the supply of their dearly beloved and my nerve calmer.  So maybe it's venture communism.  I don't know.  Maybe I just word-dropped spontaneously.
Again, as I said, I'm alone (right now literally), but if you compelled to call, you can.  I don't really want to post my number for everyone to see though.  Rebecca knows it, though; so get it from her I guess.  (I almost can't believe I'm saying this.)  A lot of times, I feel as if people can move on easily without my existence, a fact which obviously hinders recovery from bouts with depression.  Ah, venting...
Well, this weekend, my mom's coming down to Atlanta: this "confession" ought to be good.  Although she told me she was no priest and therefore wanted to stall any future confession to her, I feel that, since I'm spending a good portion of funds (125 dollars) on this penalty, she deserves to know.  Personally, though, I really am still debating telling her because I know her reaction will entail an enormous argument and subsequent awkward silence between us.  Oh well...
Musically, I've been checking the quality of the band Isis.  So far, they're proven all right.  They require further inspection though.