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Worth the Telling, Worth the Hearing

April 03 2006
I guess the hardest part of telling my parents of times I've drank alcohol is the knowledge that I've hurt them.  Regardless of whether my dad seemed distraught or perfectly fine (I really couldn't tell over the phone), having to explain what I've done and the $125 fee involved with it never comes softly.  At least I was able to tell my dad.  My mother's brother has had issues with alcoholism in his life so that every "violation", every perceived crossing of the line with respect to alcohol, follows many days back to issues of the past.  I've only seen my uncle once that I remember in my lifetime for a week (I think) my sophomore year.  You know, and my time with alcohol really wasn't worth it; I probably would've drank alcohol again after the fact if I could've stood the taste.  I don't know.  I just hurts me every time I hurt my parents.  I don't intend: I just fail...

Josh Morgan

April 03 2006
Have to say... I can relate to having to tell your parents something they don't want to know. I still remember my mom's comment when she found out Liz was pregnant, though. "You could have said you were gay." Sometimes a parent's reaction can surprise you.