April 02 2006
So today, the GT chamber choir had a "gig" at the Emory Presbyterian Church, a small but quaint little building, with a seemingly sincere woman pastor. (I say woman because I don't meet very many women pastors.) The overall service was quite formal, but it was nice for a change of pace. We even got to wear these pinkish robes, which actually happened to be tight in the chest. What was weird is that no one ever clapped, a fact which for church music strikes me as odd (but it's cool), but I had a lot of fun singing in a lent service. Plus, we ate Mexican food afterwards, so I can't ask for much more than that. Since then, I've slept a lot, but it's cool.
Lately, I've been getting into Meshuggah, a Swedish "mathcore" band. Whereas the guitars on the whole aren't written to be very complex, the drums substitute for that complexity with a jawdropping oddity of their own. The drummer has ultra-syncopated the music, by not only playing syncopated music, but also playing a normal 4/4 beat at the same time. Weird but fun stuff.