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April 02 2006

So today, the GT chamber choir had a "gig" at the Emory Presbyterian Church, a small but quaint little building, with a seemingly sincere woman pastor.  (I say woman because I don't meet very many women pastors.)  The overall service was quite formal, but it was nice for a change of pace.  We even got to wear these pinkish robes, which actually happened to be tight in the chest.  What was weird is that no one ever clapped, a fact which for church music strikes me as odd (but it's cool), but I had a lot of fun singing in a lent service.  Plus, we ate Mexican food afterwards, so I can't ask for much more than that.  Since then, I've slept a lot, but it's cool.

Lately, I've been getting into Meshuggah, a Swedish "mathcore" band.  Whereas the guitars on the whole aren't written to be very complex, the drums substitute for that complexity with a jawdropping oddity of their own.  The drummer has ultra-syncopated the music, by not only playing syncopated music, but also playing a normal 4/4 beat at the same time.  Weird but fun stuff.

Josh Morgan

April 02 2006
The program is for Thermal Design. As it comes together and comments start to be placed, it will be a little clearer. It's going to be a beast. I just spent 20 minutes figuring out how to reduce the precision so my computer wouldn't run out of RAM. Unfortunately, that was only one array, and the final run will be 3. Perhaps I'll need one program for each. --- Liz is Episcopal. I know exactly what you mean about not clapping. You should have seen Liz's face when she visited my church. Classic.