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April 01 2006

I had a whole bunch more to post about this week, but until recently I didn't realize I could actually post, at least through Firefox.  Apparently, Firefox has decided not to load the text editor in my blog manager anymore, but 64-bit Internet Explorer will, which is weird, but whatever until Nathan can figure out what the deal is.

That said, now, it seems almost as if all that (if not everything now) can be neglected on this thing, or I don't remember it, or I realized it wasn't that important, as most things I say on here aren't.  I guess, the primary purpose for any journal I continue is a means of retrospection and ventilation (venting).  What have I done in these past fews days, and what will I do?

I even thought of impartially describing the social effects of weed in my little group or rambling on about music and its genres, but no, something someone else said grabbed my attention.  While this person has hardly seen me since before college, they nevertheless relented in saying one thing: that I've changed.  But I guess, I don't see it as a dramatic change, and so far, I've found most change isn't dramatic but gradual.  So, I guess my question is how have I changed?  And was it as dramatic as it appears to be?

Josh Morgan

April 02 2006
Changed, eh? I'd say some of your activities have changed. Obviously, I'm not in a very good position to judge this. -- -- So you won't add friends? Is it to maintain anonymity? Probably not, since your name is on here and you remark on other blogs. I'd hate to think you're losing your nonconformity by rebelling. So what's the deal?