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Overcompensation for Minimalism In the Social Realm, and the Lack of Success Therein

March 27 2006

Well, my attempts at being heard prove futile...no remarks, but tons of regrets.  I'm quite bored and depressed, even at the chance of marijuana later on this night (which I doubt, and quite frankly is temporary anyway).  I've no one to call and no one to talk to back home.  Here, the chances are pretty slim too.

You know, I try to be happy and social, but for real, it doesn't work out too well for me.  Of course, all that's overshadowed by mistakes I've made.

And so...I'll probably fail again this semester these classes, and then run away from everything...again.  I thought about going to Lee next semester, but who'd want me there either after all this?  Ah, this venting ain't a cathardic session...I don't feel any better...

If you feel like I'm depressed (or depressing, whichever suits you best), you're correct.  This site's original intention was for me to actually keep some form of journal in private (b/c I won't if it's not in this form...I tried notebooks) as some sort of vent mechanism.  Now, it feels like just a confluence of humiliation.

You know the funny thing about depression?  There's really no point, no reason behind it.  It's like this semi-controllable (often seems totally uncontrollable) monster that creeps up on you to beat the crap out of you and then go away for a while.  This, of course, repeats a lot.  But there's no real point of grief behind all of it.  No one close to me died; I'm not poor; and things for the most part, on the outside, seem fairly good; yet that's not true.  Everyone seems a potential enemy to an ever vulnerable self-esteem.  Every success seems the beginning of what one doesn't have.  The lack of a significant other and the emotions entangled in such become a major "weakness"...

So...Life goes on at a crawl...

Paul Morgan

March 27 2006
Yes, sometimes I think your the biggest idiot in the world. Yes, sometimes I wanna knock your teeth out and I'm livid at what you just said or did. But I still consider you a friend. I'm praying for you and it would be cool if you came to LEE with us. ----To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?---- It's not where you've been, it's where your going. It's not what you've done, it's what you will do. It's not the past that defines us, but the present. Don't just exist, don't become lax in your complacency... I dare you to move

The Capn

April 01 2006
dang... well... my little brother beat me to my reply... if you come to lee, i'll room with you. just know that if you do decide to smoke/drink anything, it will NOT be in our room. if you come, i'll be your roommate (if Lee will let us set that)