Well, I suppose it's been a while.

August 01 2006

A friend told me that I seriously need to update. I've thought about it, but never have. I read the 'new friend entries' thing every couple of days, but I never respond. Since I never respond to others, I expect no response in return; ergo, I never update.

Friendship is an odd thing. I've noticed that perhaps I expect too much from my friends, yet I never really let them in. Or, at least, I haven't recently. The people I thought I was closest to seem really far away, which begs the question, "who's to blame?"



Ah, the blame game. It has the huge seal of "Worldly Approval" on it. In reality, it's all a bunch of lies. But if someone believes in a lie, doesn't it become their truth?

Ben Moser

August 01 2006
mmmm. critical philosophy. i had fun hanging out with you yesterday xavier-sasquatch-mile-gibby-mike. :-D


August 01 2006
I totally understand where you're coming from with the whole expecting things from your friends...

Cari Jennings

August 01 2006
yeah...i definitely seem to be really hard on my friends, when in reality, it's because i see so much of my own flaws in them. but...YAY! you updated! i'm so proud. see ya tomorrow night.


August 01 2006
oh gibeldygook. i so miss you. i completely know where you are coming from with the friends thing, because its happened pretty recently, but maybe i'm just overanalyzing. because you know you and me tend to do that :P anywho, i'd love to talk to you more about this, we still need to see lady in the water you know :]


August 04 2006
hey man. thanks for the comment. believe it or not, i just got off my knees prayin for you and the guys. we gotta have a guys night out soon like you said.