Michael Border-Line Pronounceable
Favorite Music
Trance, Celtic, or Orchestral. Or any combination of the three.
Favorite Movies
X2: X-men United, Signs, Hero, Serenity, Fantastic 4
Favorite Books
Waking the Dead, A Wind in the Door, Every Young Man, God's Man.
February 14 2006
Today, at least half a dozen people asked if I was okay.
I said no.
They asked why.
I told them that if I knew why, I probably wouldn't be like this.
So, my question to you is this: is it melodrama? Am I just letting my woes trample all over me to get attention?
Or is there something really wrong? Am I really broken? A lot of my friends have been encouraging me through Christ, but I feel like their words have fallen on deaf ears. A lot of people are praying for me, and I wish they wouldn't. I've been silent. I have no heart to pray. Or maybe it's just apathy, and I'm being completely ridiculous. I don't know.
A very close friend told me that "I've got my arm under you, so there's no reason to be lonely anymore..."
To that friend I say that if I am a burden to myself, then if I really called you any time I needed encouragement or whatever, I'd become like an anvil shackled to your ankle.
Loneliness...I sound so pitiful. Maybe I'm really hurting, or maybe I just want pity. I don't know.
I don't know...