♥...blue eyes...♥


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February 05 2008

so hey.  i messed up my neck and it hurts and i can't turn my head.  it stinks.  i, like gen, am tired because i did all the work in my english group.  i was so glad we got to do a reflection and tell him how much work the other people did (or in my case didn't do).  whew.  i have a crazy CRAZY week ahead of me!!!  i'm worried about what worship is going to be like tomorrow....i have to learn 2 songs and have them good enough to perform (for 300 something people!!!) and i'm auditioning for the Wizard of Oz AND i'm worried about the Valentine's banquet!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!  (that was me screaming.  i needed to do that.) 

*breathe in.......breate out.  repeat.*


February 05 2008
Calm down. You'll get through. You always do. ;-)

At the Crossroads of Life

February 05 2008
You'll be great! Don't worry...

At the Crossroads of Life

February 05 2008
You'll be great! Don't worry...


February 05 2008
You'll do amaZing! I'm worried about the V-Day show too b/c i missed those 2 practices :( :( But it will all be good :)