♥...blue eyes...♥


Relationship Status





December 22 2007
well since i haven't been on here in like 2 weeks....i have to clue you in on my life.  well, basically, i'm so dang confused.  there was this guy and we were flirting and so now we are 'talking'....and i don't like it.  i don't like him!  i flirt when i'm bored....*SIGH*.  but i can't tell him that i just can't.  he's a senior, though.  that's kinda cool.  keri, please don't kill me.  i'm sorry....but, i got caught up in the moment.  i can't make up my mind.  i want....AAAAAAAAAH!  i want to be little again.  but no one liked me then either so it doesn't matter.  but, you have to understand my position.  this guy is NOT bad looking, in fact, he's very far from it.  he actually liked me and he was flirting with me and well, that's the first time that's ever happened for me so that's why this is like it is now.  why can't someone that i like like me back?  i don't care.  oh yes i do, what am i saying.  i care very much.  VERY.  i just need to make up my mind.  i think i have, but i don't know this guy.  Steele....:).  i will talk to him eventually.  I HAVE TO.  just something but this....please!  i like being this senior guy's friend, but nothing more.  he has cheating problems so i don't know why i even flirted with him in the first place.  grrr.  i'm mad at myself.  and keri is probably mad.  i'm not sure what to do about either of the sitiuations.  oh well.


December 22 2007
Kari isn't the only one you need to be worring about being mad. Kid you got to live life, and if i guy comes along then Yaaaa for THAT GUY b.c he will have found the most amaZing girl. You just got to wait for him, let him chace you! Yeah flirting is fun, i'm not gona lie but most of the time it only makes things go bad :( sad i know. Okay i know you think Steele is cool and all, but dont mess up a good friendship ....see where things are going first. (Thats just my tip!) Love you girl!!

♥...blue eyes...♥

December 24 2007
well yeah i'm not just gonna go up to him and be like "omg i like you like so much'' i want to get to know him because he seems extrememly cool. and i'm coming to realize that sometimes friendships are the best things.