♥...blue eyes...♥


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yeah, i know

November 06 2007

If you really knew me you would know.....
1. I hate long sleeved ANYTHING

2. I always drink milk with ice in it...never without
3. I really do enjoy quiet time, even though I'm a loud person

4. I eat all the time

5. Sometimes I am bold...possibly TOO bold
6. I don't like it when people tell me who I should be or become

7. I actually have a phobia of new people...A REAL PHOBIA

8. If you tell me something, I usually remember it.  Even if you don't think I do or you don't remember it yourself.

9. I almost always am moving my toes....haha.

10. My very closest friends already know these ten things and many more.  Except maybe number 8...a few of you know that.


November 07 2007
I love that picture :P ha it makes me smile! :)