God Answers Prayers!

June 08 2006

I prayed, God listened, God answered my prayer.  The conclusion I have come to is that I will continue to pray. 

It's crazy how it all works :)


June 08 2006

so, I never mentioned this on here...but, I got a job. woo hoo! :) I'm working at the Middle Tennessee Christian School's preschool summer program. It's sooo much fun and these kids are adorable. I'm also getting the chance to actually have a class of my own and teach them about different animals and such. The class I'm teaching is a bunch of three-year olds, and let me tell you.... they are hilarious, some of the things they say and do :)  Well anyways, hope you all are having a fantastic summer so far. -Kaylei


June 08 2006
I am officially 21! oh, and I am going to be in town (m'boro) tomorrow, so if you are in town and want to hang out, give me a call...I'm in town for only one night. Holla.


June 08 2006

with every seconds wait...
i say that your worth it
but with every moments pass
i feel every little bit
of the wait i've taken on...

i love you so much,
yet all the signs point to no...
why am i so stubborn
this i don't even know...
it's my gift and my curse...
to feel this way.

21st Century Church: A House of Prayer?

June 08 2006
so I have been doing much thinking and this is the best way to express it ...

...There are tons of exciting things happening today in the church and as a result of shifts in our culture, with the trends that flow in and out, we see things that have never been done in "the church" to bring creativity in churchs and "to enhance" messages. From webcasts, podcasts, video loops, TV broadcasts, services on saturday to better congregations schedules, big or small groups, post-modern services, interactive media for children, lights and projection screens and even electric guitars in worship services! (i say that last one with much exaggeration haha)... but regardless within the past decade there are tons of new things in churchs that were never there before...and it seems today that many today have to be up to date everything little thing from one sunday to the next, like Apple's next release of an iPod, computer, or software. Regardless of what we think the church has stepped into a world of its own that covers everything from our forms of communication to the way we interpret life.
... what is challenging in all this is that it encourages us to continually look for new forms of communication. It's a good thing to be learners of new languages in our communities and culture; HOWEVER, if we look at contemporary worship today, I fear we may find that there is little understanding of the communicational (if thats a word) nature of God's house. God's house is a house of prayer. Jesus is our worship leader (Hebrews 8:1-3) and Text (John 1:14). In the attempts of making God's house an "exciting and relevant place" to the culture, it is possible that God's purpose for His house is distorted to where we undermine the power and authority of our Lord. I think we are in danger of a different "text" being placed at the center of the church, so that we aren't doing what the church was meant to do...to teach, fellowship (worship), breaking of bread, and prayer (Acts 2:42).
...There is one Text, and thats the Word of the Father and is known to us through stories preserved in sacred Scripture, and continues to make Himself present to us through His Spirit. It is He who is the the Word, the Text. Other texts are available, but they are simply informational, but the Text is transformational because our Lord stirs the hearts of those who seek Him and delight in Him...sadly though, we easily get caught up in all the "great" communication tools available to us through what we call church media...we MUST get caught up in the transformational Text and keep Him center.

*** I think it's no coincidence that in Mathew 21:13, Jesus enters the temple in Jerusalem and doesn't like what He finds...He finds a marketplace, a temple that is commercialized. So as a result he overturns tables and justifies His actions by quoting "It is written, MY House will be called a house of prayer, but you have made it into a den of thieves." The text here that Jesus quotes is Isaiah 56:7 "My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations." I think its incredible how Jesus uses Scripture to call the people back to the original purpose of prayer and worship...and away from cultural forces that distract them from those purposes.
...Jesus does not state a new purpose of his Father's house, but He is taking what has already been said by God in the matters of worship and giving it new meaning in the present day. And i think thats the same today...We don't need to think of the "den of thieves" as simply robbers, but the thieves and robbers are simply any other program or plan that takes us away from our full attention towards God. I think it is necessary and right that we owe Him His attention, which ought to be devotion, praise and glory. Nowadays the tables that are overturned would not be marketgoers or merchants of doves, but those who are using God's house of prayer for their own agenda...
One thing to think about is would Jesus overturn tables if He entered the individual church's of our nation...would He justify His actions to us through Scripture to us because we delight in foolish things as "great" communication tools or our attempts of making God's house an "exciting and relevant place" our culture?

The point is that today, the technology of communication and all the creative, listening devices have taken center stage within the Body. Perhaps in parts of the Body these new uses of communication are prioritized over the Text. It's sad when the story of Jesus we are sharing becomes the theme to the story of the manner we are telling the story... The problem is the audience for our worship is not God, but rather the audience becomes a god (attempting to make God's house an "exciting and relevant place").

me sad

June 08 2006
me=emo right now


June 08 2006
I can vote.
I can go clubbin.
I can pick up a pack-o-cigs. I won't.

And I can go to big-people jail.

Bean also mentioned that I can now participate in pornography and gambling, informing me that I can lose my health, money, and morals all at the same time!

Yay for 18!


Logo/Mascot Quiz

June 08 2006
If you have Microsoft Excel, try the quiz below and post your score.

I was able to get 43 / 50 before Googling the rest.


Selfishness is for the birds

June 07 2006
If thats true then I'm a bird! 

what about me?

June 07 2006
» I committed suicide:
» I said I liked you:
» I kissed you:
» I lived next door to you:
» I started smoking:
» I stole something:
» I was hospitalized:
» I ran away from home:
» I got into a fight and you weren't there:

» Personality:
» Eyes:
» Face:
» Hair:
» Clothes:
» Mannerisms:

[1] Who are you?
[2] Are we friends?
[3] When and how did we meet?
[4] How have I affected you?
[5] What do you think of me?
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
[8] Do you love me?
[9] Have I ever hurt you?
[10] Would you hug me?
[11] Would you kiss me?
[12] Would you fuck me?
[13] Are we close?
[14] Emotionally, what stands out?
[15] Do you wish I was cooler?
[16] On a scale of 1-10, how attractive am I?
[17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
[18] Am I loveable?
[19] How long have you known me?
[20] Describe me in one word.
[21] What was your first impression?
[22] Do you still think that way about me now?
[23] What do you think my weakness is?
[24] Do you think I'll get married (if yes to who)?
[25] What about me makes you happy?
[26] What about me makes you sad?
[27] What reminds you of me?
[28] What's something you would change about me?
[29] How well do you know me?
[30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
[31] If so tell me now?
[32] Do you think I would kill someone?
[33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?


June 07 2006

whoa what a day... I guess you just got to learn to move on, even if it is going to be hard...

An Incontinent Truth

June 07 2006
I am telling you this because the government has slackened on their primary responsibility--the well-being of the people of this land--but many will deny my factual competence as I proceed with my argument.  According to my research, in the year 2100, feces will cover the earth, exacting a terrible biohazard on the face of our beloved planet.  Matter does not just disappear: all that fecal matter has slowly been building up underneath the surface of the earth until sufficient pressure will expel fecal matter of the most disgusting kind into the air with the chaos of a hurricane, and it is all our fault.  We should've killed off the lowlifes to save the good, hardworking American people from such dire tragedy.  Our only decision now can be to hold it all in.  Yes, my comrades, you must boycott the bowel movement to lessen the impact of the fecal torrent.  Protest against the lobbyists who find the comfort of riches from their evil deeds, such as the toilet paper and restroom industries.  They are also to blame and shall have their day of reckoning when we, the common man, stressed by the woes of everyday life and the inability to properly purge waste matter from our anatomy, take them down.  Also, you must kill all celebrities, for in addition to spewing garbage out of their rectums, they also have an uncanny ability to defecate out their oral cavity, adding to the chaos tenfold.  Yes, comrades, in doing these things, you can help stall the apocalypse, and make the world a far better place for you and me.

Life is a Circle

June 07 2006

What a truism.  As some of you may know, before moving to Angola I lived and worked in Aceh, Indonesia.  That was a tough time in my life (2000-2001) and it was particularly stressful because I was in a "war zone".  Ultimately I was evacuated because of safety reasons.  After the evacuation, I was on refuge status in Jakarta and lived in a hotel there for about 9 months .... ultimately coming to Angola to live in work.

And so, to complete the "circle" I am now being transferred back to Indonesia.  I will work and live in Jakarta ... but not as a "refuge" this time.  International relocations are quite a challenge ... and the process is complicated, time consuming and frustrating.  Plus, setting up a "new life" there will be full of interesting twists and turns.  No doubt this will make good "blogging fodder" ... so, hang on to your hats.  Hopefully, some of you will find this interesting reading over the next few months.

*** Part 1:

International relocations is very much a "hurry, hurry, wait" situation.  I was first approached in April about the move (which came as a complete surprise as I expected to be here in Angola until June 2007).  I was told scant information but expected to provide prompt feedback on whether or not I was interested.  Then I heard the move was a "done deal" ... before I even said "yes".  So, I spent the next few weeks scurrying around trying to flesh out details of the move, housing, schooling for Thasya and Chely, and the job so that I didn't feel like a mushroom .... then came the "silence" part where I heard absolutely nothing about the move.

Kept asking for information, but got scant details.  Kept hearing that things were moving along and soon they would request key personal information from me, but heard nothing.  I reminded everybody that I was going on vacation for 3 weeks ... so what did they do ... they issued their barrage of questions/requests (all with "prompt replies" required) WHILE I was on vacation.  Luckily I was able to handle the requests before White Water Rafting.

NOW ... its silence once again .... stay tuned.


June 07 2006

I am in love with this dog! His name is Higgins. Mo got him from my best friend!
He is the smartest, cutiest dog ever!!

oh my goodness....

June 07 2006

**edit** I"MMA GOIN TO HILTON  HEAD TOMORROW!!!!!YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! this week just keeps gettin better and better....

so uh, yeah. i don't even know what to say. i led a friend to Christ tonight....gahlee! i can't believe God would even use me like that! i came to church, not at all expecting to even really get anything out of tonight, and lo and behold, guess who shows up, but Marlene...first time i've even seen her in almost 2 years, first time she's been to Belle Aire, and so we get to talking, and i ask her if she's ever asked Jesus into her heart, and she wanted to so badly, but she just said she didn't know how, so we talked more, and she let me pray for her, and then i helped her ask Him into her heart!!!!!! OMGOODNESS!!!!!! how exhilarating...i just still can't get over it...and what a testimony she is going to have...AHHH! I can't wait to see what God is going to do in her  life! WOW! so yeah. pretty exciting stuff. but the coolest thing is that it was alllllllll God....it was just Him coming through me, so i (thankfully) can't take any of the credit. I am just so thankful that he used me like that! nayways....yeah. good day. much love to you all, and don't forget that God can do anything, because we take that so for granted...---Cari


June 07 2006
38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither
height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to
separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  
    -- Romans 8:38-39


June 07 2006
So I was going to watch a movie with my dad tonight. I borrowed a movie and came home because he said he wanted to watch something with me.... well I got here and he has already gone to bed so I am supposing that that means that we will not be watching a movie tonight... ::sighs::

Other thoughts ::beware of ramblings::
          I am beginning to think that if I gave away some of the things that I feel responsible for that maybe it would actually be easier on everyone else... that sounds strange... but right now I don't have time to do all of the things that need to be done... so I don't ever get "caught up," this causes me to stress and also to constantly ask favors of everyone else... I have learned to ask for help but only when there is absolutely no way that I can do it myself... If I turned some things over to others, then 1. I wouldn't be so stressed (which would make others happier to be around me or at least it more tolarable) 2. Things might actually get done besides what absolutely HAS to be done RIGHT NOW (which would make dad hapier and everyone else not feeling so guilty). 3. I wouldn't constantly be asking others to do things for me and they would be able to say 'look at all that I have to do' in that brag/complain manner that I wouold willingly pawn off. 4. I would be able to have a more clearly defined list of things I need to do so tha maybe I could be more efficent. 5. It would set things up so that thigs will run more smoothly even when I am not here. 6. I would be able to get things done that others need me to do for them.  hmmmm....


June 07 2006

Well, I have applied at 14 places in the past 2 days. I had better get a job soon. I'm going to do some more job hunting tomorrow as well.

I love dark chocolate. Almost as much as I love brownies.

Chris is amazing.


June 07 2006
may knock once,

D(["mb","<br></span></font></i></b><span><b><i><font coloru003d"blue" sizeu003d"5"><span styleu003d"font-weight:bold;font-size:18pt;background:white;color:blue;font-style:italic">but temptation bangs on your</span></font></i></b></span><b><i><font faceu003d"Arial" coloru003d"blue" sizeu003d"5"><span styleu003d"font-weight:bold;font-size:18pt;background:white;color:blue;font-style:italic;font-family:Arial"><br></span></font></i></b><span><b><i><font coloru003d"blue" sizeu003d"5"><span styleu003d"font-weight:bold;font-size:18pt;background:white;color:blue;font-style:italic">front door forever.</span></font></i></b></span><b><i><font faceu003d"Arial" coloru003d"blue" sizeu003d"5"><span styleu003d"font-weight:bold;font-size:18pt;background:white;color:blue;font-style:italic;font-family:Arial"><br></span></font></i></b><b><font faceu003d"Arial" coloru003d"navy" sizeu003d"5"><span styleu003d"font-weight:bold;font-size:18pt;background:white;color:navy;font-family:Arial"><br></span></font></b><span><b><i><font coloru003d"#ff6600" sizeu003d"5"><span styleu003d"font-weight:bold;font-size:18pt;background:white;color:#ff6600;font-style:italic">Quit griping about your church;</span></font></i></b></span><b><i><font faceu003d"Arial" coloru003d"#ff6600" sizeu003d"5"><span styleu003d"font-weight:bold;font-size:18pt;background:white;color:#ff6600;font-style:italic;font-family:Arial"><br></span></font></i></b><span><b><i><font coloru003d"#ff6600" sizeu003d"5"><span styleu003d"font-weight:bold;font-size:18pt;background:white;color:#ff6600;font-style:italic">if it was perfect, you couldn't belong.</span></font></i></b></span><b><font faceu003d"Arial" coloru003d"#408080"><span styleu003d"font-weight:bold;background:white;color:#408080;font-family:Arial"><br><br></span></font></b><b><font faceu003d"Arial" coloru003d"#ff6600" sizeu003d"5"><span styleu003d"font-weight:bold;font-size:18pt;background:white;color:#ff6600;font-family:Arial"><br></span></font></b><span><b><i><font coloru003d"gray" sizeu003d"5"><span styleu003d"font-weight:bold;font-size:18pt;background:white;color:gray;font-style:italic">If the church wants a better</span></font></i></b></span><b><i><font faceu003d"Arial" coloru003d"gray" sizeu003d"5">",1]

but temptation bangs on

front door forever.

fruits create many jams

promises a safe landing,

not a calm passage.

Don't give God

instructions -- just report
for duty!

Baptist Collegiate Ministries--Summer Activities

June 07 2006

Join us on Tuesday nights at Amber's house at 7 p.m. for Bible study!  We will be studying: If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get out of the Boat by John Ortberg.  Find out how you can discern God's direction for your life and follow him by faith!
Message us for directions to Amber's house.

Mark Your Calendars!!
Jars of Clay/Derek Webb Concert and Nashville Sounds Baseball game on Tuesday, June 27th!
Meet at the BCM at 4:15 p.m. to leave.  Concert will be at 5:30, and the game is at 7:00 p.m.
Cost:  $6 (includes concert and game).

We look forward to seeing you this summer!

The MTSU Baptist Collegiate Ministry is located at
2535 Middle Tennessee Blvd. at the intersection of Faulkenberry and Middle TN.  Parking is located behind the building. 


June 07 2006

i voted in my first election yesterday. it was for the california primaries. and as lame as it sounds, it was exhilarating. i love the democratic process. seriously, more people should vote.

i'm also thrilled that most of the people that i voted for ended up winning. the most prominent victory went to phil angelides.

after this no more, i promise!

June 07 2006


Alice came to a fork in the road.
 "which road do I take? " she asked.
"where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat
 " I don't know, " Alice answered.
 "Then," said the cat,
 "it does not matter.








Expresso Joes!

June 07 2006

I'm at Expresso Joes right now.  I'm having a Jittery Monkey.  It's so good.  When I can drive, I coming here everyday.  I hope that this can be my new hangout place!!!  Hope that everyone is doing good!

Let's Make Some Plans...

June 07 2006
So Audio Adrenaline's last ever Nashville show is happening at Lipscomb on September 29 (two days after my birthday, I might add). They will be there with MercyMe.

Who wants to go?

Paris est tres bien: Part 2

June 07 2006
Well today was awesome. We went to the catacombs under the city and saw all of the bones. There are an estimated 6 million bodys in the catacombs total.

La Mort du Catacombs

I hope that all is well, wherever you are. And if you are going to call me, remember the 7 hour difference. I may be sleeping....haha. I am having so much fun in Europe.

Για τη δόξα του
For His Glory,


June 07 2006

Things just keep on getting better and better.

And yes, that's largely sarcasm.  But I smile, because oftentimes it's all you can do.


Walk out

June 07 2006

Well, I finally did it, or I should say that they finally did it.  Quick background...Wal-mart management thought it would be nice to give someone saturday night off for a bad reason (don't care to say what it is, but it was stupid) thus leaving me as the only CSM for about 6 hours...not happy...so Sunday, still a little upset about this situation I decided that I would talk to management about this...of course, they told me that it was an insult to them for me to come to them with this complaint and saying that i felt under appreciated. (sorry about having feelings wal-mart).  And to be told that given the chance they would do it again and leave me by myself because I could handle it.  So, since the other guy came in on Sunday to make up his hours and I felt as though they could not properly resolve the situation, I look at my manager who is the one responsible for screwing me over, and told him that i was taking 7 hours of personal time and walked out and that I wanted my transfer asap or else i was just going to up and quit that regardless of what happens i wanted out of their store.  About 30 minutes after I left I realized what I did and actually felt good about it.  So, now I am debating if I even want to show up on Friday.

Quick side note...I said in my last entry that if things go the way they are, I could shed some light on a current situation.  Well things are changing so it might be sooner....big news to come.


June 07 2006
my brother comes home tomorrow... mama has to goand spend the night @ the hospital tonight so the nurses cand make sure shes ok w/ taking care of a premature baby... but he should be home in the morning...!!! woot... ttfn...

Moving along

June 07 2006
Things with the insurance are moving along nicely.  There was some confusion with the insurance as to whether the accident should go on my parents' or mine, as Dad and Mom still had coverage on it, but since it had replaced one of my vehicles, it was also covered on mine.  The company decided that it should go on mine and they will be issuing a check for the repairs minus the deductible this week.  Hopefully they'll manage to get the deductible out of the other insurance company so I can have it back. 

Daniel and I toured the Mother's Day Out at our church yesterday.  He LOVED it.  He had a great time with all the new toys and with the other baby.  I think he's going to start in a couple weeks on Tuesdays or Thursdays.  It will be nice to have a free day each week to do the grocery shopping and run errands, maybe even do laundry.


June 07 2006

i am definately crushing on a certain young man
        w0w the past two days made it worse
& sitting on the roof until two in the morning doesn't help anything
        well yeh it does. but it made other things worse

wheat thins...

some guy31689: he needs to get high with trent


June 07 2006

well kay was suppose to come over today but she is not here so yeah.... man o man i am bored..... well people i hope your guys summer is going splended...mine is alright..... boring.... cant wait to go up north... i wont be bored then... i'll see most of my cousins.. and spend time w/ them too.......lalalala...i wish  i could do something.... but anywho  i hurt myself when i was watering the grass but hurt but it was a small cut... oh well..... well i am out soo later


Bye NOT for forever

June 07 2006

I leaving country for few hours and I want to thanks you all on wonderful time we have together, and to say




But in my deep hope is not for forever.

Atlanta Traffic

June 07 2006

Atlanta Traffic definatly SUCKS.

Like 2 hours worth of suck.

I am about to leave suburban Altanta and drive to Athens (known for its crack rings and the georgia bulldogs- how exciting) to pick up my brother.

We drove thru Atlanta yesterday and the following happened:

  • An arab followed us begging for money

  • We got lost in the ghetto- the ATLANTA ghetto (far more scary than the murfreesboro one)

  • got stuck in traffic for a long time

  • our laptop car charger started smoking- it was fun.

I will be home tonight.... thank god.


June 07 2006

it has been raining for days.

it is ok for me, cause my operation for throat needs such cool weather.

in two or three days, i may be put to the operation table for the first time in my life. to tell the truth, i do feel a little scared. never expecting that i would handle all these staff alone, however, that's the way it is.

     only in such kind of time do i found that i am this wicked person, cause it seems that only in this lonely and helpless time can i concentrate on God more.

    too many difficulties and failures and attacks have been passed,  too many tears have been presented before God, now i understand that" God cares those who are broken hearted".  anyway, i know there will be some tough difficulties ahead , i know strongly now, God is watching me, and will handle all this. thanks be to God.

Life is a journey,

June 07 2006
...and love is what makes that journey worthwhile.

Is this real?

I feel like I'm in a dream...

...and I don't want to wake up.

The only problem is...

I'm afraid of getting hurt again.

Wish me luck.


Back in the Saddle

June 07 2006

Just a quickie.  Back at work now .... some things never change or at least they do so in only "geologic time".

No doubt friends and family have seen Josh's pics on the White Water Rafting ... yahoo ... still feel the thrill of 15 ft waves.

SORRY, nothing exciting to write about this morning. I will blog tonight after I get some "juicy material" to write about ....

ciao ciao

where has the time gone?!

June 07 2006
wow, that was a long time ago. well well well...
um, school's over. yay. graduation was sad. but we'll move on to bigger and better things dog gone it. oh yeah, my dog died this past week. i've been very upset about that. hmm...uh, new york ci-tay in a couple weeks. including Wicked on Broadway. psh, i cannot wait. plus time with my grandmother, just us without my cousin, which is good because I never get to have that and she always gets it. so that will be the best. i'm one of the three clarinet section leaders for next year so trying to get some stuff together for that. and that's about it. oh, and as a backstory for the last post, san antonio was absolutely gorgeous. the riverwalk is one of my favorites places in the world now. um...yeah. and all that happened in between, jazz fest and stuff. that was all good. whew, i need to update more so I don't have to bring allll this stuff up. well, at this rate i probably won't update before NY unless i just get bored one day. oh and kels leaves for japan next week. that'll be sad to see her go. well, that's about it. i'm drained of info, and i'm off to bed.


June 07 2006

today i have



caught 4 nice sized small mouth bass

biked 2.2. miles

ran/walked for 20 mins

made smores over an open fire

when im in minnesota i do more in one day than most people do all week

i love it here. its simply amazing

love ya kids


land o lakes & i dont mean the butter

June 07 2006

so today was wonderful... we went boating this morning on a new lake & fishing this afternoon on another new lake. i mean there are over 10,000 lakes why go tot he same ones over & over.  we caught like 20 bass & about that many bluegill... sweet.  & then we came home & made a fire & smores again.  then me, milly, heather, & teresa sat around the fire for like an hour & sang.  it made me smile a whole bunch. 

ok so my minnesota posts probly bore you.  but i dont care.


June 07 2006

Well, well, well. Long time since ive updated... oh well. Killing time so I can see if my bank account gets fed tonight at midnight or not. I sure hope so.

Still working... that's pretty much all I do. Sleep, shower, eat, work, boyfriend, eat, boyfriend, sleep. That's the jist of it.

Went to the zoo! Me, mom, boyfriend, and my 2 girls I babysit (8 and 2 yrs old) all went one Saturday. It was so much fun!! Yay!

Going to Kentucky for the weekend... should be fun.

Ummm I guess that's it. Im going to bed now.


Getting Help

June 06 2006

You know what? Getting Christian advice for my problem from someone else who is surviving the situation is the best thing I could've ever done.

I'm ready to start the fight.

And I won't give up this time.



June 06 2006
Alright.  This announcement is on behalf of my parents.  CCCF stands for College and Career Christian Fellowship.  What's happening is that on this Saturday night, and several Saturdays throughout the summer, we are having a shindig at my house for all college kids and those that are gonna be seniors in high school (for a smooth transition just like AP classes).  We're just gonna hang out, play some games, and eventually have just a little prayer around the camp fire at the end.  This isn't affiliated with any church or denomination in particular.  It's just an opportunity for the college kids and the close-to-college kids to have some fellowship and be around some other Christian individuals.  I hope you guys can make it, cuz it should be lots of fun.  Just bring a lawn chair and we'll take care of the rest!  Oh, and it's from 6-10:30pm.  

18 Weeks

June 06 2006
So we went to the doctor yesterday, and found out we're going to have a baby girl around the beginning of November. It's so cool to see the how much she's grown in just 2 months. She actually looks like a baby now.

It was a big relief to see that everything is developing right on schedule, and her heartbeat was strong. Here's a picture of our beautiful little girl:



June 06 2006

I figured out something tonight.... Sometimes it takes me to go up and talk to a person, instead of waiting on them.  You never know what the other person thinks.  As far as you know, they are just as mortified to talk to you as you are to them.  Yep, that's life.

But on a more serious side, the key to living on this earth is to know that you are exactly where you need to be, even with all the mistakes and the could-be's that passed you by.  Remember that from the foundations of time, what you're doing now, and what you will do is already known and worked into the Great Plan.  But this doesn't mean to give up and let life find you asleep, live that life that dreams are made of.  Your dreams are real, and they are waiting to come true.

And that dream--is happiness with the One and Only. For ever.


June 06 2006

Ahem, i am not dating joshua pipes.

He just so happens to be a good friend of mine.

Sorry for the confusion.

I am, however, still dating samueleli.


June 06 2006

Havent done this in awhile AGAIN...but yea um noone reads mine so it doesnt really matter im just spilling a bunch of shit for noone to read but w/e....this past weekend i saw The Breakup pretty fucking funny if you ask me....i went with Amber && Samera...Sameras going to a different school next year...im really going to miss her like WOAH alot. But yea um im getting my hair dyed soon HOPEFULLY haha...dang i feel soo friggin left out...everyone i know has a BOYFRIEND do i? NO. oh well haha im not desperate i swear.  I really want a Monroe...but it scarrs && i dont want a scarr on my face =[[ This weekend were going to see The Omen i saw previews for it freaked me out...Kaylas party is coming up for her BIRTHDAYYYY<3 && i think im going to make my dress...think it would be pretty cool...GAWH...i really miss alot of my friends already...KAYLA if you read this we're hanging out soon k? lol. but yea um here are some pics from the other night <3


June 06 2006

"'God, where are You in this?' my heart cried. 'I am Your child. All my life, You know I have longed for something beautiful. I have searched for true love. Does a pure and perfect romance even exist in this dark world of lust and perversion and sin? Should I even dare to dream of something beyond the shallow, meaningless, cheap version of love I've known so far?' Then came a soft, gentle tugging upon my heart. Suddenly I somehow knew that my life did not need to be this way and that God had something better for me. It was almost as if God Himself was reminding me, I am the Author of true love; I am the Creator of romance."
--When God Writes Your Love Story

Baseball game with Alden

June 06 2006

Tonight I played Alden on Xbox. We played Baseball. I totally killed him. I beat him 20-10. It was just sad. I hit a total of 6 homeruns. It was rediculous. Alden whenever you get good please call me and maybe I'll play you.Till then Im the champ of All Star Baseball 2005 !!!!


June 06 2006

Wow these past few days have been really tough! All i wanted to do is CRY AND CRY! Last night the man i know that i will marry some day decided that he wants to take a break and see if there is someone else out there for him! We cried last nite together for hours! You see he has another girlfriend right now and her name is Tiara! That hearts more than anything in the world. Today is out 11 month anniversary. We both had bought eachother promise rings not long ago and we were gonna give them to eachother tonight! Well tonite we did meet together and got something to eat! We gave eachother the rings and let me tell yah eatching him leave is the hardest thing i will ever have to do! Right before he left he gave me a kiss. I was thinking if he can still kiss me then how does he have feelings for someone else. It really makes absolutely no sense to me right now! He says that he will always be there for me and he willl always come back to me! But.... I was thinking who will i come back to. He will never be there when i really need him to. I am gonna miss him so much! I do not think that i have ever cried about a boy this much. He still wants to go on vaction with me in July. That will be really strange. I still really love him and i promised that i wouldn't be the CRAZY EX. I also said that i will wait for hime to call from now on. I wont call him. I am not completely sure that that is the right thing to do right now. I just dont see how a person can say i love you and not want to be with them anymore. He is my first love and i will always love him. After he left i was like what am i gonna do now? I have blown off and lost all my friends because i devoted my life to him. Then when he was like go and make plans with your friends and he still doesn't understand that i dont have any. It really sucks. on my long long long drive home tonite i just cried all the way. I said i couldnt do this and i dont think that i will be able to. It is just really hadr for me to accept that right now he has his arm around another girl. I do wonder if he is thinking of me and that GOODBYE kiss that he gave me tonite. I have the worst stomach ache of my life! I just afraid of what is going to happen in the future. I REALLY REALLY REALLY just want him back right now!


Do You Ever Feel This Way? Part 2

June 06 2006
...She's been staring down the demons

Who've been screaming

She's just another so and so,

Another so and so

...You are golden, Child
Don't let go...

...You're a lonely soul in a land of broken hearts

You're far from home, it's a perfect place to start...

-Switchfoot, "Golden"

cheer up

June 06 2006
Took a walk with you
In the shadow of my shoes
Danced around the broken blues
In the dirty summer rain
Moonlight on the cars
Parked in single file at bars
With a thick and rosy smoke
Waving its busted hand

Bringing you down, can't bring you down
Bring you down, can't bring you down
Bring you down, can't hear the sound
Run through the river and into town
Pretty little moon with it's head hung down
Chin up. Cheer up. -ryan a.

--------------everyday has lyrics-------------------

what a looong day. i havent done anything...ive been thinking alot about governors school and i keep finding myself just wanting to go ..get there and be happy..just get away from everything.... all i did today was swing under a tree, listen to music, and paint.. . .summer is alright with me

Nemanjas goodbye party was so fun...especially when everyone was gone and the rest of us layed around on couches and played games...then..brian drove me to my car and we threw cheese at peoples mailboxes..ha.. and you cant forget reading the labels of aquafina bottles seductively..ha..

i think tomorrow morning at 6 a bunch a kiddos are meeting at cracker barrell to say some goodbyes to nemanja and brian...so come ..you might see me there (i dont like mornings)

love -kels

Tired of the working life

June 06 2006
So it is another day in the life of me. Well, I went to work this morning at 8:00. I am so tired. I only had to work until noon. But who knew that the kids at the YMCA could be so rowdy???? I am not allowed to sit down at all. And Toshua called me tonight and asked me to cover a shift for her tomorrow. So I am working at 8:00 until 11:00. That is okay. I will get more hours that way. TJ was off today so he came over at like 1:00 and we went swimming. Then we watched TV and went to the mall. I got me some more work pants. Then we went to Wal-Mart and I got me some off-brand Crocs. I am for sure going to wear them to work tomorrow. Well, I am going to go now. So I will talk to everyone later. This is my favorite song... It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A!!!!!!!!!!!

Leaving our Legacy

June 06 2006

today i was thinking (for once) about our generation.

What new our generation has grown up on:

iPods, Computer (Mac, PC, etc.), Blogging (Myspace, Phusebox, etc.) and much more

USA Today puts it this way, "They're young, smart, brash. They may wear flip-flops to the office or listen to iPods at their desk. They want to work, but they don't want work to be their life."

But what are we going to be remembered by. So many of the generations before have been remembered for something.

The 20's- the depression

The 70's- Hippies

What will we as a generation be remembered by?? Will we be remembered by those things listed above or will they know us by something. you might be thinking Stephen what else would there be? Well the scripture puts it best, "they will know us by our LOVE!" Will we remembered by the love we show each other and how God brought revival to this nation or we will just fall out and be remembered by something far less valuable.

Will we be remembered like the 1886-1908 generation as the Missionary Awakening or just some other sily generation.

 Just a thought- stephen

Quote of the Week

June 06 2006
"1.6 billion Chinese are angry with Jack Bauer.
Sounds like a fair fight."

Random Facts that no one needs to know...

June 06 2006

The Hundredth Billionth crayola crayon produced was periwinkle blue.

The US government does not allow the portrait of a living person on a stamp.

There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.

Penguins only mate once a year and it doesn't last more than 10 seconds.

Babies don't have knee caps when they are born.

Money is made out of cotton, not paper.

Rubber bands last longer when refidgerated.

Until the 1960's men with long hair were not allowed in Disney World.

Boys are stupid.

and my roommate is...

June 06 2006

So Jeff called me today and told me that the room change happened and we're roommates now! Yay! I'm so excited that we get to go to Old Time Pottery and use my discount of 15% wootwoot. That store has everything...

I'm going to Nashvagas tomorrow morning, yay. I'm also getting my haircut...not so yay. Who knows...it might be the last one for a while. Lol. Lyndsey thinks that I should not cut my hair while away to make my mom upset...but send home pictures of me slowly turning into a gungy-grunge. I laugh. Rire.

New York on Monday!!! I can't tell you guys how exciting that is! I'll be going to see Wicked and some other show...not sure which one yet...but that's about all I'm excited about, lol. Sure, Statue of Liberty....but I mean, WICKED, on BROADWAY!! Woot. It's like sold out until 2007 now, I dunno how we got tickets.

After that, I get to come home for like...4 days and then leave to Ms. Kattentidt's house. That shall be hardy-har-har. We're supposedly going to help at this camp for kids that come from not so great homes, and play for them. [Pirate music.] The next day, we're supposed to go to the lake and take fun pictures of us being dumb. Friday I assume I shall teach her how to waltz like a mo'fo as we go on our "date" hehe. Marching band junk on Saturday along with Family Guy (hopefully), driving to Arkansas for lunch w/ Abby's horn friend on Sunday. Sunday night and Monday I assume is orientation unless things change or I have my dates wrong, oh well.

Ion Balu e-mailed me saying he was going to send me a "Got mutes?" shirt and a coffee mug along with my mute. Hehe, I love my Romanians.

The Society inhabited by monetary infidels

June 06 2006
Have you ever just hated money?

i like it!

June 06 2006

i like questions i can answer.......
like this one today....
as 3 year old Ethan pointed up he asked me,

"Is that the sky?"

Philosophical Theory.

June 06 2006
It is morally unjustifiable for one's day to suck before the person in question has even gone to bed for it.


June 06 2006









June 06 2006

I hope that everyones summer is going great.  School is okay i guess.  I just hope everyone is out enjoying the sunshine for me.   But other than that life is going pretty well and hope that everyone is doing great.

but i have to go help my mom so ill talk to you guys later.


L'access de internet

June 06 2006
I have internet, so now I can post pictures.

La Notre Dame de Paris
On est tres beau parce que l'historie.

Ma favorite de personal
La fleur est tres tres fantastique.

Paris en le crepuscule
Paris est tres beau parce que l'atmosphere de a la Seine.

Hope that you liked my tour de francais.

Για τη δόξα του
For His Glory,


something to amuse you

June 06 2006

Well, I thought it was hilarious.  Definately worth five mintues of your time.



June 06 2006

That potential several hundred mile thing just became a reality.


three months.


June 06 2006
If you are in to christian hard rock like skillet, Pillar, POD, Disciple, Thousand Foot Krutch, Kutless, and bands of the like then you should check out this new band called "Red" they are AMAZING I just found out about them today and it just so happens that they put out their first album today titled "End of Silence" and let me tell you it rocks. Check out their website and make sure u hear the song "Breathe Into Me"


June 06 2006
woo hoo I got a job! go me!! lol


June 06 2006

So last night was so much fun....

 - Swimming till we froze....

 - Good talks in the pool

 - Extremely good cookies(that Kristen made...alot better than the corn and potatoes...HAHAHA!!!)

 - Slideshows

 - Sleeping Outside

 - Shooting Stars(and making wishes on them =] )

 - " Kristen whats that noise?" "Oh they're building over in walter hill.." "Oh okay, goodnight.." (half asleep not knowing what we are talking about..)

 - Po Po the train....

 - Aw Man..we got DEWED on! haha


 I love Kristen Teeters!!! She's my FAVORITE!!! Last night was definetley a great one...and i wouldnt of traded it for the world! <3

You can see us jumping in...her poor mom just couldnt work the camera.



This was our amazing bed we made last night so that we could sleep outside! IT WAS THE BESTEST!!!! AHH SO MUCH FUN!!!

Paris est tres bien!

June 06 2006

Bonjour mes amis,

I made it here ok. I really like this city. Class is not so bad, and I am getting a lot of pictures. I hope that all is well in the Boro and K-town. I will try to get on the internet whenever I can. I got a french cell phone for a month. My number is 01133684165652. It will cost you a little bit of money. But you just may wanna talk to a long lost friend that is in Europe. I will try to put up some pictures later.

Au revior,



June 06 2006
Jonathan's plane leaves today.  The Air Force ppl made him check into a hotel in Nashville last night so we all had to say our goodbyes yesterday.  I can honestly say that that was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.  He will be gone for a little over 6 monthes.  We can go down there when he graduates from Basic in 6 weeks, but I doubt if I get to go.  I don't know if I can make it 6 weeks much less 6 monthes, and I don't think I have ever cried so much in my life.  I really do believe that when you love one person that much that the hardest thing you will ever do (if you're only in high school that is) is have to watch them leave knowing that if u need some one to talk to you can't just call them up or go visit them.  All I'll be doing is righting letters, and I can't even start doing that untill I get his address.


June 06 2006
Since Daniel was born, I've been extremely careful when I've been driving.  I don't speed, I don't take risks, I brake early and slowly.  So, of course, I got rear-ended while sitting in traffic.  Last Friday, I was sitting at a red light, telling Daniel we'd see Grandpa in just a minute when a car slammed into my rear bumper at 25-30 mph.  Daniel started screaming like a banshee and I, of course, panicked.  Luckily, a nice British gentleman pulled over and "rang the police" for us and I called my Dad, who got there entirely too quickly.  (THANKS DAD!)  Out of the four people in the car that hit me, none spoke English.  We had some doubts as to whether or not they are here legally, as when asked by the police where they lived, none of the four seemed to remember.  The driver, however, was, I'm assuming, since his insurance was completely legitimate.  My insurance company is dealing with them now.  The rear bumper has to be fixed, as does the muffler, and a small scratch on the lift gate.  All in all, over $1400 worth of damage, but it's all fixable, and what is money for, if not to use it when you need it?  Daniel and I were not hurt at all, and aside from the muffler, the damage was cosmetic.  We were VERY lucky!  Aside from that, the week at my parents' was very low-key.  I cooked at their house most nights, which was fun. 

On a different note, the Today show is doing a segment on teaching your children to be healthy eaters.  They say that the number one vegetable for children under 2 is french fries and half of children under 2 have candy every day.  Most of you know my opinion of feeding your children that kind of nonsense.  If you want to see a walking advertisement for reasons to eat healthy foods, walk into Wal-Mart and see how many massively overweight children there are.  ARGH.

Just before work

June 06 2006
I am about to head off to work. Another great weekend. Saturday after working some I went out to the house for Joshua and Jonathan's birthday party, had fun out there, I talked with Dad for a while, played Need for Speed on the gamecube, went swimming in the pool, and watched most of The Last Samurai. Sunday after playing bass for church we took the boat out again, it was awesome, I went skiing, kneeboarding, tubing, and wakeboarding. We had a full boat which made the wake absolutly great, I got more air on skis than I have ever gotten before. It was lots of fun. I will have a few pics later.


June 06 2006
11 days intill i leave to pa

Encounter is back at 7:07pm tuesday

June 06 2006
Hey Encounter  is back tuesday at 7:07pm  for all college and career age 18-30 come and bring your friends!........

its just marvelous

June 06 2006

so im in minnesota & i love this place.  weve boated & fished & made smores!  its so beautiful.

"some people walk in the rain... others just get wet." - Roger Miller


June 05 2006

so today i watched the rain and the lightning out the giant wondow in the front of the house and watched and thought and watched and thought

its so beautiful up here

it makes you go WOW God Your totally the bomb!!!

i also put a grill together and put up some shelving in the laundry room

tomorrow ill be back on the lake if the weather allows

- milly

Yea... my lil' brothers... ::sigh:: :-)... decision made.

June 05 2006

So what i get from my reflection isn't what i thought i'd see...

June 05 2006

so, i'm feeling much better today. God's given me a real peace about it. i dunno what that means, but i'm sure it's good.

in other news, do me this one favor:

if you've ever liked me at all, tell me at some point soon. i'd just like to know. maybe i liked you too...haha.

so nayways, some people kinda stir my apples lately...oh well. i'll live. secondly, others make me smile. you've just gotta wonder what's going on when you find someone whom you have just about everything in common with and can talk to forever...and then they have to move away...what is this? who knows...but i know i'll make it. it's just no fun when it seems like things are dangled in front of you, only to be taken away. but i've got to keep reminding myself that God is not like that, and he doesn't want to harm me. i realize how narrow my vision is in the grand scheme of things, so i just need to shut up and let him do what he does best, which is everything. i think that i am going to make a committment not to date at all in high school. not because i'm sad and lonely, or because i think guys are stupid, or because i am trying to get something out of God, but because i think maybe He's calling me to do that. also, be praying for me about whether or not i'm going to go on the New Jersey Mission Trip on July 8th-16th...i feel like, thru my quiet times and prayer that God is wanting me to go, but He's gonna hafta provide those means, especially financially. so yeah. we'll see. nayways, much love to you all! ----Cari

I'm Libertarian

June 05 2006


June 05 2006

[ x] You know someone that cares about you.
[ ] You have a boyfriend/ girlfriend/ fiancee/ husband/ wife.
[x] You have your own room.
[x ] You own a cell phone.
[ x] You have an ipod/ mp3 player.
[] Your parents are still married.
[ x You have more than 2 best friends.
[ x] There is a swimming pool in your backyard.
[x] You live in a house.

T O T A L:7
[ ] You dress how you want to.
[ x] You hang out with friends more than once a week.
[ ] There is a computer/ laptop in your room
[ x] You have never been beaten up
[x ] You never cry more than twice a month.
[ x] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to.
[x] Your room is big enough for you.
[x] People don't use you for something you have.
[x] You have been to a concert.
[x] You laugh more than twice a day

T O T A L:8

[ ] You have over 50 friends on myspace (that you actually know).
[x] You have pictures on myspace.
[x ] Your parents let you have a myspace.
[ ] You get allowance.
[ x] You collect something normal.
[ ] People don't make fun of you to be mean.
[x ] You look foward to going to school
[ ] You don't wish you were someone else.
[ ] You play a sport.
[x] You do something after school.
[x] You shower daily.

T O T A L: 6

[x] You own a car. (if your parents do that counts.)
[ ] You usually don't fight with your parents.
[ ] You are happy with your appearance.
[x] You have never got a failing grade in your life.
[x] You have friends.
[ ] You have so many inside jokes with friends.
[ ] You know your parents care and love you.

T O T A L: 3

[x ] You know what is going on in the world.
[x] You care about sooo many people.
[ ] You are happy with your life.
[x] You usually aren't sick.
[ ] You know more than one language.
[x] You have a screen name.
[x] You own a pet.
[x] You know the words to more than 5 songs.
[ ]You don't have any enemies.
[x] You are happy you're living.

Total: 6

saw  over the hedge with some friends and i loooooooved it. it was sooooooo funny. hammy is definately on the all time favorite character list. the omen remake is going to come out tomorrow 6/6/6.  no more seth.hmmmmmmmm. right now i am watching wrestling.  lets see, i haven't gotten much sleep and i just got out of the pool.   i applied for jobs with my friend erica at starbucks and panara bread.  thats about all for now. 



June 05 2006

OKay so drew a couple of pictures lately, and here they are.

This is Jessica in human and Superhero form:

And then here is a picture of some dashing-ly handsome black man(I wonder who he is) holding Grace in some kind of Balcony-Garden:

And in case you need a closer look:

Whoa nelly, pencil lead doesn't look good on camera!

But anyways.

There you have it. Danny's latest Artworks.


I'm moving. . .

June 05 2006

. . . to another part of the house :) I had the brilliant idea of cleaning out our garage-turned into a normal room and letting me move all my stuff in there. I would have more space, more privacy, and my own entrance. The only problem is figuring out what to do with one of the couches and a table/chair set.

I finally got the last six months worth of pictures developed so that I could scrapbook them. I came home, planning to do at least a Taevan's Lube Center and playground layout, but when I finished the Taevan's layout and turned the page to start the playground, I realize I ran out of sheets. Now I have to go buy more. Boo.

My cousin Marla gave me the okay to take pictures of her daughters this weekend. I'm most definitely looking forward to that. I think we're going to Cannonsburgh.

we selfish americans

June 05 2006
life is the most exciting thing there has ever been on earth...
without things moving breathing earth would be no different than all of the other planets in the solar system and  it would all be rocks.
and yet everyone isn't happy with life
they must have money
what would everyones lives be like if everyone was selfless
communism would work out
and it wouldn't be a bad thing
everyone could use their talents for the better and we wouldn't have all these bad things in the world.
if everyone stopped and thought about other's feelings would the suicide rate would drop??yes. how much? half ??75%??
everyone is so selfish
we have celebrities buying billion dollar houses when half of india's population doesn't even live in what we could call a shelter....
they dig through garbage for a living and we think it's the end of the world to empty it out. it's sad that the money we pay for one ipod, one cell phone bill could feed an african family for months? that they sell their daughters on the street corners just to get fed ? and we live such horrible lives, we have "mean" teachers who assign projects homecoming weekend. we have to wear last years designer shirts for another month. we can't get that cd on the premier date.

it's such a travesty......
we americans are suffering from a terrible disease and it's name is


Oh Graciousness...

June 05 2006
So today I went job searching, I need a job and I'm poor, so yea, right now Jason's Deli is looking the best just b/c Laura worked there and they know her and they need a cashier.
and my bank is being stupid, and it looks like I'm going to have to pay about 60 dollars for 3 checks that came out to be only about 25, yea it sucks but my mom made me feel better about it today, but it still majorly sucks
On the other hand Girls State Was AMAZING!!! I had a blast and I can't express in words what it was like, however I know that if I go to MTSU (which I don't plan too) and stay in their dorms I will have showers that are too short for me, and a room that is very much to small for all my STUFF! However the KUC Grill was good, and I ate there most of the week, I also got to see fellow Murfreesboro people so that was cool, andyways I'm done, have a great day all!

^^^This is an idea of what the week was like, I know crazy!!!


June 05 2006

how do u know when uve found the one?  some might say its just the feeling.  but we are still too young to know right?  how can we know if we have not had time to go out there and find out for sure if that person is the one?  we follow love blindly and it corrupts us.  of course love is better than hate, is it not?  k, well im not sure if this entry made very much sense to u guys.  im not even sure if it makes sense to me...

well talk to yall later!

I Think I Should Make a Note

June 05 2006

Alright.  I think I should say something- sort of as a disclaimer, more as an explanation since people can't read my mind.

Often on Phusebox I will see posts that attract my attention.  I will comment on them if I feel I have something worthwhile to say.  Sometimes this is just a word of encouragement to someone that I don't even know, other times it is a more serious and involved comment.  I attempt, if I feel I can, to offer my perspective to any problems presented on the blogs of any certain individual.  Here is where I think I need to explain...

When I offer my advice or my opinion, I personally understand it to be just that- mine.  I don't expect for anyone to change their life or their minds based on what I say.  I do not want to convert anyone to my beliefs because I strongly believe that beliefs are only personal and are different for each individual.  I do however, in my commenting, hope to challenge the individual to look at their beliefs about everything and know what and why they believe what they do.  If they don't know what they think, I am challenging them to figure it out.  I think it is important to think about all the issues in one's life and decide what one thinks using the tools one has available to make decisions in this area.  I hope to challenge people to not be spoon-fed ideas or information but to seek out their own answers.  I think this makes a stronger individual.  I feel it to be of utmost importance to present this challenge whenever possible to help people more clearly formulate their ideas for the betterment of themselves.  Again, I do this only out of the love I have to see people grow, mature, and develop their ideas and themselves.  I hope to be a counselor one day and continue this on a larger scale. 

I hope this clears up any misconceptions people might have about my motives on phusebox.  I have noticed that most people on here probably do not think anywhere near the way I do, and that is more than okay.  I do respect those differences when they are well-formulated.  I feel it is good, also, to present a different side to individuals when any issue comes up.  I will offer that if I feel knowledgeable about the subject and feel I have something worthwhile to say.  Please understand this.

I come in peace :)

ho hum....

June 05 2006
so while escorting mama to lowes this afternoon.... it hit me.... i knew what i was going to do for my prom dress..... and i will not tell till prom night.... the only one who will know is my date.... which brings me to my "ho hum".... i have figured and excepted that i will most likley be going to prom .... alone.....   oh well i guess... maybe i'll atleast go w/ some friends.... ho hum.....    yep so still no word on when the baby bro is commin home.... they are just waitin for him to eat all of his feedings from the bottle....got the Thursday CD.... kicks BUTT!!!... we are finally all moved in... my room is totaly unpacked...and done... well except for my posters.... which always takes forever for me to put up.... i went to krystals today... i thought of him.... though i know i shouldnt be.... i miss him...  i got a job @ great clips today.... as a receptionist.... i dont know when i start yet she'll call me.... chill out.... im still @ Mrs. Chicken.... i jus got 2 jobs... i work tomorrow night 3-10 so some one come see me plz...!   .... well i guess thats all for now.... much love...

lowe's trip....


Anybody under the age of 15 should not read this, and if you do, you should not repost this.

Just because you were born in '92 doesn't mean you're a 90's kid.

It's not like you could remember the original Simpsons. I am sorry but three conscious years of the nineties just wont cut it.

You're a 90's kid if:

You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE!"

You just cant resist finishing this... "Iiiiiiin west philladelphia born and raised..."

You remember TGIF on ABC and wouldnt miss it

"Miss Susie had a steam boat, the steam boat had a bell..miss suzie
went to heaven the steamboat went to hell_o operator please give me
number 9 and if you disnconnect me i'll kick you from behind the
fridgerator, there was a piece of glass, miss suzie sat upon it and
broke her little ass_k me no more questions, please tell me no more
lies the boys are in the bathroom zipping up their flies, are in the
cornfield the bees are in their hives .......................... miss
suzie and her boyfriend are kissing in the D-A-R-K- D-A-R-K D-A-R-K
dark dark dar dar da dark"

You remember when Kurt Cobain, 2Pac, River Phoenix, and Selena died.

You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey from "Blossom" and that "How Rude!" comes from Stephanie from "Full House"

You remember when it was actually worth getting up early

on a Saturday to watch cartoons.

You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at

You begged for some GAK, and when you got that they came out with
scented GAK, and when you got that they came out with funny scented

You remember reading "Goosebumps"

You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes to school.

You danced to "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls, Females: had a new motto,
Males: got a whole lot gay-er. (so tell me what you want, what you
really really want.)

You remember the craze, then the banning of slap bracelets and slam books.

You still get the urge to say "NOT" after (almost) every sentence...Not...

You used to listening to the radio all day long just to record "Your FAVORITE song of ALL time"

Where in the world is Carmen San Diego? was both a game and a TV game show.

Captain Planet.

You knew that Kimberly, the pink ranger, and Tommy, the green Ranger
were meant to be together. (this was meant for young 80s children)

When playing power rangers with friends you fought over who got to be
who............and still all ended up being Tommy or Kimberly.

You remember when super nintendo's became popular.

You always wanted to send in a tape to America's Funniest Home Videos... but never taped anything funny.

You remember watching home alone 1, 2 , and 3........and tried to pull the pranks on "intruders"

"I've fallen and I can't get up" -- Help is on the way Mrs. Fletcher

You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates

Two words... Trapper Keeper.

You wore socks over leggings scrunched down

"Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack, all dressed in black, black, black, with
silver buttons, buttons, buttons, all down her back, back, back" SHE

he jumped so high high high he touched the sky sky sky and he didnt
come back back back til the forth of july ly ly he jumped so low ow ow
he stubbed his toe toe toe and thats the end end end of the elephants
show show show

You remember boom boxes vs. cd players

Writing M.A.S.H. notes.

You remember New Kids on The Block when they were cool

You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By The Bell"

You played and/or collected "Pogs"

You had at least one Tamagotchi, GigaPet or Nano and brought it everywhere

You watched the original Care Bears, My Little Pony, and Ninja Turtles

Yikes pencils and erasers were the stuff!

All your school supplies were "Lisa Frank" brand.(pencils.notebooks.binders.etc.)

You remember when the new Beanie Babies and talking Elmo were always sold out.

You used to wear those stick on earings, not only on your ears, but at the corners of your eyes.

You remember a time before the WB.

You've gotten creeped out by "Are You Afraid of the Dark?"

You know the Macarena by heart.

"Talk to the hand" ... enough said

You always said, "Then why don't you marry it!"

When we were younger:

Before the MySpace frenzy...

Before the Internet & text messaging...

Before Sidekicks & iPods...

Before MIKE JONES...

Before PlayStation2 or X-BOX...

...Back when you put off the 5 hours of homework you had every night.

When light up sneakers were cool.

When you rented VHS tapes, not DVDs.

When gas was $0.95 a gallon & Caller ID was a new thing.

When we didn't have to dial area codes for local numbers.

When we recorded stuff on VCRs & paid $3.50 for a movie.

When we called the radio station to request songs to hear off our walkmans.

When 2Pac and Biggie where alive.

When the Chicago Bulls were the best team ever.

Way back.

Before we realized all this would eventually disappear

Who would have thought you'd miss the 90's so much!!!!!

Post this in your bulletin if you remember these days ....


June 05 2006


June 05 2006

Only 8 more pictures till I have 1000 pictures on phusebox! YAY!



June 05 2006

I'm at Governor's School now and it's nice.

I can't really describe it much. 

E-mail me at chrcwhit@utm.edu

Now, here's an interesting topic, discussed today in my art class, which I would like your opinion on.

What is art?

What isn't art?

If someone painted a white canvas white, would you consider that art?


June 05 2006
I'm So BORED!!! I'm over at Holly's house and she talking on aim. I went to see the Davinci Code..(hope I spelled that right)..we went to Expresso Joes after! Oh its soooooo good...I love coffee.


June 05 2006
I went to the river yesterday with Kyle, Matt, Cole, and LS. Omg. It was so much fun. I've never been on a jetski before and it was awesome as hell. Kyle tried to get me to wakeboard, but there is no way in hell I was getting in that muddy river...My legs are sore from clinging to the side of the jetski. Anyways.... I have a week and 6 days until I turn 18. Thank God. I don't know what I'm going to do.

the aclu must be stopped

June 05 2006
well i was watching the news yesterday and i saw that the aclu was fighting to let sex offenders be around children i was like ARRRGGG that just got under my skin like there was no tomarrow and i just wanted to blow up their facility because of all the political correctness. i mean cmon these sex offenders have proved that they cannot control themselves and are completely sick and the aclu wants to HELP THEM. and allow them to be around children that right there gets me to the point to where their leader must be of satan


June 05 2006

this is one of my favorite songs  "Fix You" by:Coldplay

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

When the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
and ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

High up above or down below
when you too in love to let it go
If you never try you'll never know
Just what your worth

Lights will guide you home
and ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears streaming down your face and I

Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face and I

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Espero que cada uno tenga un día impresionante. Tengo balompié esta noche a partir de la 6-8 así que seré detrás atrasado.


June 05 2006

Which Disney Princess Are You?


You are bookish but incredibly pretty. Belle was first seen in Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Personality Test Results


You are bookish but incredibly pretty. Belle was first seen in Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.


June 05 2006
Tonight will be a quick email because we only have a few minutes on
the computer tonight, but what is really exciting is the fact that we
had our first Kids Klub (VBS) tonight.  It was really cool.  Kinda
confusing but we just had to go with the flow.  We got interupted
shortly by some older kids who wanted our sports balls so that was
scary for me at least but no confrontation really happened.  The
translator took care of it.  The kids were so loving, it was amazing
to see.  We wore Biblical constumes and the whole theme was Jerusalem.
 Kinda neat because these kids don't have any idea.  And it's so sad
because they want sooo much for any type of love because their home
life is so bad.  This isn't your normal VBS either because the kids
don't know structure and the resources are limited so kids come in and
out all the time.  One little boy, Dawid (Pronounced like David but
with a little french flair), had mud all over his hands and face and
his front two teeth were all black and he looked like he had had a
shower in days.  He smelled of urine and fecal matter but he was so
loving and sweet you couldn't help but love the boy.  This boy was so
excited to draw on some paper and get a hug by an American that
nothing else mattered that much.  Until you really see these
conditions you can't understand. You can't walk outside without
worrying your feet will be cut by glass.  It's disheartening, but the
moral of the story is that these kids just want love and that's what
we're here to do, so that's amazing to me!  So, until next time...


June 05 2006



June 05 2006

What is up? well i have been trying to find a job for the past few weeks and it seems that no one is hiring right now, that totaly sucks. lets see besides that nothing has really happened. this week i will probably still look for a job and that might be it.


short simple and to the point...

June 05 2006

I'm a wreck here lately, and i can't explain it...

So if i've done anythig to piss you off, or will probubly do something to piss you off soon... i'm sorry

cras adv. tomorrow

June 05 2006

Get it?  Procrastination?  Huzzah for Latin, eh?

Yeah... I'm supposed to be cleaning my room right now.  Not because I was told to, but because my room is so messy that it's driving me effin' insane.  You'd think that if it bothered me that much I wouldn't have any problem getting off my butt and doing something about it.

However, it would appear that I have developed a rather serious allergy to work.  Who knew?

Gaaaah.  I have too much junk.  And not enough places to put it.  Anyone out there a good organizer who's willing to help me figure out what the heezy to do with all this crap?

I would smile real big at you and be your fwiend...  : p  Pfft.  Like I'd let you see my room in the first place.  It's freaking embarassing.

Well, after my room is done, which will probably take the next few days, I can clean my bathroom!  That'll take a day.  Then I can clean my car!  That should only take a few hours.

Oh hoo-ray.

what a night...

June 05 2006

hey ya'll thanks so much for all the comments! your the best! well i hope everyones summer is going GREAT!!!!

well friday night me and ben along with my youth group went to a Nashville Sounds game and pretty sure we had an awesome time! that night im willing to say ranked up there with formal.. just all around AMAZING! it was just one of those night that you wont ever forget and i loved it..IT! lol


10. the ride up to nashville..u looking out the window/making me look out the window!

9. showing up all those girls on the bus with our personalized ring tone.. "whos kirsten!?"

8. "AHH the kid with the rat tail took my fly ball!!"

7. "go get a balloon!" (two seconds and a balloon later..) "what a loser, why do you have a balloon!?"

6. calling out random names in a crowd of people to see who would turn around.."im sure one of those girls names is Ashley, LETS TRY!"

5. that delicious looking hot dog.. mmm! "you can have this one".. are u sure "YES DEFIANTLY!!"

4. "look at that guys belly button!" "what, where, OHH MY GOSH!"

3. "are you getting that feeling in your stomach?!"



0. wow.. all our talks...(that kind of ties into number 1!) lol!

-1. the FIRE-works!!"OH YEAH!!"


-3. the bus ride back home...OH YEAH!!

(sorry i just couldnt keep it under ten!!)

this is the sounds field, it was the Sounds VS. the Iowa Cubs and pretty sure Sounds won 6-5 and it went into extra innings (oh yeah!)


me and ben! ahhh THE BEST!

well these are called FIREWORKS and i just love them! they were so awesome! whew.. yes just amazing! lol

well yeah so i pretty much had an awesome time! have a FANTASTIC week! i love u guys!
