Random Requests

June 06 2005
I finally caved - after 26 years of curls, I paid the big bucks for the only straigtener that works on my hair. The only thing that will justify spending this much money is actually using the darn thing - so if you see me on a day when it has not and is not supposed to rain (trust me, humidity and natural curls are not a good combination and any attempts at straightening on said days are futile) - please remind me that I need to straighten my hair.

Oh, one more favor, as much as I have played the role of the stubborn child determined to have things my way - I think I have finally realized that it is time to walk away from a relationship that I have held so dearly (loooong story). Until God is rightfully restored as number one in his life, he cannot be "number two" in mine (please read that last sentence carefully, it would be very easy to misunderstand what i am trying to say). So, if you could pray for his heart to be right with God and for mine to be okay with the current state of things, I would be greatly appreciative.

Rachael Moore

June 06 2005
aww my love, i will be praying for you. and reminding you about your hair... my hair waves in those conditions too, but i continue to straighten just the same- vainity perhaps. anyway, see you tomorrow night.


June 07 2005
I know what you mean about keeping God number one and holding on to other people... it's tough. I'll remember to pray for you.