Michael Border-Line Pronounceable
Favorite Music
Trance, Celtic, or Orchestral. Or any combination of the three.
Favorite Movies
X2: X-men United, Signs, Hero, Serenity, Fantastic 4
Favorite Books
Waking the Dead, A Wind in the Door, Every Young Man, God's Man.
Home stretch
March 23 2006
So, did your heart sing a new song tonight?
Did a new word of prayer leave your lips?
Mexico is only two days away.
Our prayers concerning the trip are vital, but the trip isn't hinged upon our prayers, our strength.
Mexico is hinged upon His Power. The same God who created every star in the sky, who keeps the entire universe intact (what else is it held together by?) has His hand on our going to Mexico.
I had a moment of "I can't do this...too much is riding on this...I'm not ready, not strong enough..." tonight, but my mom said something that made me think: if I was strong enough to do all of this, who would get the glory? God or me?
If we could do this on our own strength, then how would God get the glory? If we could do this on our own strength, it wouldn't even be about Him anymore.
What's the point in that? Woe to me if I am my own strength! If our lives, our Salvation, were in our hands, there's no way we'd ever see the light of Day!
"If we are faithless,
He will remain faithful,
for He cannot disown Himself."
2 Timothy 2:13