Laura White


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

Favorite Books


Tom Sawyer

April 30 2006

so Tom Sawyer is alot of fun.. last show tommorow at 4:00.... im actually upset! i grew close to them.....egh

Tonights show was amazing! around 200 ppl came i heard!

lets see

sydney,kristi,kendall,jarren,cristin,shane,corey,mrs.marino,mrs. robin, mr. phil, moe,trey,alexanna,tonya,steve,sara beth, olivia, my aunt patsy and uncle vick ,my dadd-o,rachel,jamie,mr. allen and one other person i think all came tonight.. it was crazy

affter tis weekend im putting up all the pictures soooo yea

im gonna go

love love


Eric Renfroe

May 02 2006
hey u went out with cody barrett didnt u?

Eric Renfroe

May 02 2006
haha awesome... and thanks... im not sure if its u but i think i see u like 5 times a day... i dunno tho

Eric Renfroe

May 02 2006
haha well i guess ill have to start sayin hey

Eric Renfroe

May 02 2006
so whats the deal with u and cody now?