
February 21 2006
 I have been so tired lately. I look forward to sleep so much! I try to get to bed by 11 read for like 15-30 min and then go to sleep. I  get the same amount every night pretty much but I am still soooo tired! I think it may be that since last weekend I did not get to sleep in any day I have been a little off. I need to have atleast one day a week that I don't wake up to an alarm clock and I just wake up naturally but that has not happened in a while. My roommate is sick today, she has a fever, she's been sleeping all day.
On another note work has been very frustrating. My boss changes his mind on everything but he never communicates to me what he has changed so then I am thinking we are doing one thing when we are doing something completely diffrent, but the person that he does tell, his fiance, seems to have a little additude when I don't know what's going on because he hasn't told me. It is also a little difficult to be on the same team as her. I think it's because we are both strong leaders put on the same team, she wants to take the reigns but it is my job to have the reigns so there is this struggle. I need to talk to them about it but how do you really say to your boss that you have a problem working with your fiance, and I know that most girls don't take it too well when you tell them that they have an additude!
Oh I don't want to have to deal with these issues any more!!!! Tomorrow I am meeting with my Pastor about June. I hope that it goes well, then I just have to tell everyone else at church, not looking forward to that! I think I am going to get some coffee because I am tired and I still have my team meeting, which I found out this morning that my boss will not be here to lead(again with the communication thing) and then go to my small group. But really I would like to go home now and sleep!