
February 18 2006
    So yesterday I realized something, maybe it something simple and everyone knows this but it hit me yesterday I felt like I needed to share. So like you know there is that one thing that you slip up with when it comes to sin and like when  you do slip up on it you like think the world is gonna end. Well that is the way I am. I think I have this view of walking on a tight rope and when I stumble I will fall off the rope and that is the end of it. But there's the net which is God's grace. If I mess up it really is not the end of the world. God still loves me no matter what. The other thing that hit was that I get upset on the big thing that I mess up on but I don't even notice the small things. I need to be just as upset over the small things as I am over the big things. I also need to remember that I am not perfect, and I am not expected to be perfect, I should strive to not sin but I am not and will not be perfect. Everyone struggels with something or a whole lot of somethings,everyone from Paul to me and to you. I'm tired of Christians trying to come off like they are perfect and that the biggest sin you commit each day is like lying or saying something behind someones back, we deal with big and small things everyday but we put on this mask like we are all doing fine but we are not. Sorry that I am on my soap box about this. I think I am wirtting this down more for me because I need to hear this too.