
August 04 2005
so i got some not so cool news today. when i went to the doctor earlier this week, they werent for sure, but they thought that i had mono. well the blood work came back and it turns out that i do have mono. so i might have to quite my job. so tonight will probably be my last night. so thats a good thing, and not so good thing, cause now instead of gettin 3 more pay checks, i'll only get one. and it wont be a full one. i'm not so happy about that.

i found another thing of bad news. me and kyle arent room mates, and i'm not sweet mates with the guys that i was supposed to be. so me and kyle are workin on that like crazy.

so pray for both of those will ya?


Mallory Gambill

August 04 2005
definately. do you even know your roomate? i dont... i dont know any of them... and thats a load of shart.


August 04 2005
Aww poor Patrick. I'm sorry you're sick and about the roommate situation. I will pray over both, but remember that all things do happen for a reason! So even if you and Kyle are not able to room together, maybe God has other plans.


August 04 2005
patty boy!!!! i love you! everything will work out in the end!!! im sorry that you have mono!!! im gonna come visit you soon and bring you some cookies!!! i love you and im praying for you!!!


August 04 2005
aww! i'm soo sorry patrick! you're definitely in my prayers! i love you! and i know that in the end it'll be ok....but i'm sure that might not be much comfort right now! love you!

Brett Tenpenny

August 06 2005
you play trombone... and you joined my group... that makes you one of the coolest people in the world.