
August 03 2005
well i'm sick. but thats ok, i'll get over it. pray for me though. i have to go to work tonight,i called in last night and told them i wasnt comin, so i hope they dont fire me.

i was thinkin, this workin 40 hours a week this summer really cut into how much i was able to do. but i made the most of it and theres no reason to complain. but it really has taught me to keep on keepin on.

amber is goin to asia, thats cool.

i'm goin to go lay down, hopefully i can sleep.



August 03 2005
Feel better soon!

Christopher Horne

August 03 2005
I will miss you next year at Blackman, Patty.


August 03 2005
awe get better.


August 03 2005
im praying for you!!!

Christopher Horne

August 03 2005
phil is good. he's just been hanging with ruben all summer. haha.