
November 14 2007

I was really dreading my ethics class when i found out i had to sign up for it this semester. but it was business ethics and i thought that maybe it wouldnt be that bad.


my favorite part about it are the discussion classes every friday. i love it cause i always argue the opposite of everybody else and it really makes some people mad. one of the guys i met in there will argue against me just for laughs. i happened to see him like the second week of school at the mall and we talked for a while. he's a pretty cool guy. he's a cheer leader, i laughed, but it's respectable.


anyways. when i found out i made a 100 on the midterm, which consisted of 3 essays, i figured i had it down-pat. but the best part is the teacher. Dr. Arnold. My roommate and i call him Arny. haha. but the cool part is, he wont tell you his position on things that we talk about, but most of the time we know where he stands. in the book he assigned us there are many articles with many different authors. he's the author of a few of them.


the cool part though is he'll assign articles that not only dissagree with his view, they the author will mention his name in the article and say how he "is ignorant". I dont believe this. i just believe it is a difference of oppinion and the other author needs to realize that everyone will not have the same ethical standpoint. which i'm sure he realizes this, but why come out and call another respected eithical philosopher person ignorant. haha.


anyways. i just drank some esspresso. thats why i'm up so late. haha

