the week thus far

September 04 2007

this week has just started and it has already gotten off to a bad start. i'm ready for it to be over. but the thing is. i'm so sick of one of my roommates. i really wanna move out. i dont know if i can though. i may not be able to break my lease. which sucks. they might let me though. we'll see how it goes. pray for me though. it really irritates me.


i had a good holiday weekend. i hope ya'll did as well. but i didnt get my work done. blah. i'm in the procecss of writing my paper right now that is due in like, oh, and hour or so. well, like 2 and half hours, but i have another class in an hour, so i gotta finish it before that. i could just take the computer with me, but i'd still have to print it out. i'll get it done.


man, i just feel so, distraught all of a sudden. blah

