
August 06 2007

i was flipping through the channels just now and stopped on the news and they were saying that right now there is a law that is trying to be passed that says that sermons in church about homosexuality is considered hate speech and is illegal. how redicuolous is that? psh. some people. if you cant read the bible and realize that homosexuality is wrong, than, sorry if this offends you, but you're retarded. i know that sounds bad. but thats the just of it. 


this weekend was awesome. my brother got married. it was great. i'll put pictures up when i get some. haha. but they'll be on facebook as well.



Rachael Moore

August 06 2007
well, it most likely won't be passed anyhow. it is ridiculous. however, i try to look at things from both perspectives. and i could see how some pastors could, with or without meaning to, make their sermons on that subject seem very hateful and full of judgement. i do not agree with homosexuality, but as a christ follower, i am called to love everyone. i am not the one to judge these individuals that decide to live their lives like that... because i am a sinful person as well. my sin is just as great as theirs... i don't really know where i am trying to go with this... but, yeah. i know some homosexual individuals that go to church and feel a lot of judgement from the members of the church. i think that is sad. i am not saying we should accept their sin, but we should love on them just as we would anyone else. so yeah... haha. i don't even know what i am talking about anymore, and with that, have a great night!

Kaelynn Malugin

August 07 2007
ok they need to go eat carpet!


August 07 2007
I agree completely, Patrick! However, as Rachael said, there are probably some preachers who have preached about it in a hateful manner. But if it is handed in a loving, very Biblically based manner, then I obviously don't think it's hate speech. Sometimes I wish people would stop and think for like two seconds instead of getting offended so easily... I mean, preachers have sermons about divorce being wrong, but no one wants to call that hate speech. Go figure.