July 23 2007

so my computer has a virus. they said they may not have to delete everything, but who knows. if they do, they can save my documents, but not my music. i have about 5000 songs on my computer. blah. i'm hoping for the best.


i dont know if i've written this on here or not. i think i have. but i wanna write it again.


i've come to the conclusion that i wanna do something worth-while with my life. not just sit at a computer all day and crunch numbers. so i think i really wanna become a teacher. speaking of which. i should head over to the advisor today. but i have alot of homeowork... i know, i'm making excuses. but i wanna make a diference in the world.


i hate how people down America and the government. i cant even begin to fathom living in a different country. for instance. everyone loves ireland, but in half of the country you cant even walk out in the streets without being afraid of getting killed for your religous beliefs. or like how in israel, everywhere you go it is just like walking into an american airport. you get searched because terrorism is so bad over there. and a universal healthcare system is the last thing we need.


i've known about the ireland thing for a long time, but it didnt really hit me until i watched the ESPY awards the other night.


two men from ireland, one catholic, one protestant. two people that would normaly fight each other just for looking the other in the eye. these two men won the humanitarian award for bringing school aged children of different religions together to play basketball. through sports they have been able to show the country that it doenst matter what religion you are, you can get along with each other no matter what.


this really got me thinking. i dont care about winning an award. just like with rowing. ya, we can be successful at times. but 9 times out of ten, we get stomped. but i still go to the gym every day and work out. i still go to practice everyday and give it my all. it's not about the glory, it's about the personal satisfaction of knowing you did all you could to help. (that last bit might of come out wrong). but do you see what i'm saying. who cares if i get remembered at UT for centuries to come.


one of the posters in my room is of muhamed ali, one of the greatest athletes of all time. the quote says "the fight is won long before i dance under those lights. it's won out on the street, and in the gym."


that probably had nothign to do with it. but i like it. i dont the quote is word for word.


but i've been trying to think of ways that i can be productive with my life and help other people. other than being a teacher.


sorry. i try not to be political. but coming from a military family, and when i have many friends taht i've grown up with in the military right now. i hate to hear people, not people on here mind you, down america. we have it pretty good compared to just about anywhere else. just look at the facts.


ok, well i'm headed to carreer services now.


oh ya, i'm in the library since my computer is at the doctor right now. they guy next to me is wearing a dress...... um....... kind weird.




July 23 2007
Sorry about your computer. :( I hope it gets better. And Patrick, about this post... wow... very good thoughts. I think you would be a really good teacher. You should probably look into history or political science/government so you can spread your patriotism to others. It disappoints me as well how many Americans down their own country. I didn't even know that about Ireland... and on top of Israel there are other countries like England that are changing rapidly with the age of terrorism. We have so much freedom here, but there are people who are trying to take it away from us, and no one seems to care. And when I say other people, I don't mean just terrorists, but other Americans as well (example, the ACLU). Anyhow, I think as a teacher you would definitely have the ability to touch a lot of lives and make a difference. Ann Coulter, a conservative political commentator, once said that being a public school teacher was just about the most influential job you can have, even more so than a lawyer, and I think there's a lot of truth in that. Anyhow, I hope you get it all figured out. I'm sure you will!