
November 10 2006

ok, so i think i'm going to start posting on here more often. maybe. haha. um, i got some cool pictures to put up, i'll try posting them right now even though i'm not on my computer.

have ya'll seen that commercial for the website that allows you to access your work PC from your home PC. kinda scary. it's like a hackers dream if you ask me. thats basically all it is. oh well.

i'm going home this weekend. first time in like 2 months. when you live with a group of guys and then your on a sports team with them and what not. you start to do everything together. and your like a family. the rowing team is litteraly like a second family to me. which is nice, but after a while i need a break. i mean it's cool hanging out with them, but i can tell with the guys in my apartment, we need somewhat of a break from each other. thanksgiving will be good. but i'm still coming home today.

i was going to skip my math class and come home early, but i couldnt. my conscience(sp) wouldnt let me. lol

this is the boat that won the biggest race in the nation this past weekend. pretty freaking awesome.

this one is kinda blury, but thats us carrying the boat down. like our socks? we got them right before we got ready to go out. they were awesome.

here's a picture of the teams. but thats only half of them. there were over 1200 boats entered in the competition.

ok, i'm done


Nathan Moore

November 11 2006
love the pics... that is awesome.