
July 12 2005
so, what exactly is a "dibb"? you know, like when you call "dibbs" on the couch or somethin. i guess you are "dibbing" when you do that, so does that make you the "dibber" or the "dibbee" kinda like the employee. but still, what is a "dibb", cause when you call shotgun for the front seat, that has a historical significance, and so does the frase "rosa parks" when you call that to save a seat you already have. but what is "dibb"?

alright, i know that was kinda stupid, but i was bored.

work was alright.

how about that home run derby. i meant to record it last night on the Tivo since i was workin, but i recorded the wrong thing, so i'm goin to record the re-run today while i'm, thats right, sleeping.



July 12 2005
I think the Home Run Derby record was set last night by some guy on the Atlanta Braves. Then the guy after him was so nervous he didn't get any! I felt sorry for him. He was still kinda new to the league though. I have never thought about the word dibb before.... that is most interesting.


July 12 2005
tha home run derby was great!!! one guy hit 24 setting tha record!!! im sorry you missed it!! theres always next year!!!

the brian king kenobi

July 12 2005
you make a point.


July 12 2005
I've never thought about the dibbs but I have thought of this...when you say Oh My Gosh...what is a gosh and why do you have one if you don't even know what it is??


July 12 2005