i have a question?

April 19 2006

nathan oughta be able to answer this one, but i want to hear what ayll have to say too.

the most remarked blog for the day had 22 remarks when i saw it. so i decieded to look and see what it was all about. when i looked at the remarks i noticed how probably 18 of those 22 were by the guy who posted the blog.

so the question is:

does it really count as the most remarked post of the day if the one who wrote post remarks on it him or herself?

 seems kinda foolish to me.

just a thought


Rachael Moore

April 19 2006
yeah... nathan once said something about writing a script that would not count those type of remarks...


April 19 2006
I've noticed that. Also, people just get on others and just start typing random things to them also. Which gets their comments up. I agree.

Ben Moser

April 19 2006
yeah. i tested that near the beginning of phusebox on a photo i had, and i noticed the same problem. i failed to mention it to nathan, but as rachel said, he has thought about fixing it. so. yeah.

Jonathan Moore

April 19 2006
haha i agree. Im pretty sure I started that trend when i posted on my sisters like 15 times in order to get hers to number one. I said, Jonathan this is going to start giving people the idea to do this themself. Do you really want to do that? Do you want to scave to purity of the system. Yes its worth it. SO i did it and sense many others have followed....So i guess i should say sorry.

Megan Polis

April 20 2006
I agree, b/c if you are the most remarked you should be the most remarked from different people, not just one person!