
March 30 2006

so the weekend before spring break we had a rowing competition. we won a medal. it was tight.

thats the boat that won.

i'm loving the rowing team right now. it's the only thing thats keeping me in school actually.we have a competition in oak ridge this weekend, it should be tight. it's like half way between murfreesboro and knoxville. kinda

my partner and i finished the lab in record time today. it was awesome. i didnt sleep much last night. and the night before. i think i'll go to sleep early tonight, maybe. i'm loving this weather.

one of these days i'm going to come up with a way to make it rich. with out college.

any ideas?

for some reason things have seemed different these past couple of days. i dont quite know what it is? you know what sucks, when you give your best to others, but it's not good enough for them. it makes you feel like your not good enough for anyone. know what i mean?
