hair and whatever else

February 03 2006

well, whitney and jessica dyed my hair. it's pretty cool. i like it. it's faded a little bit because i used shampoo on it the same night they dyed it. i didnt know any better. i thought a change would be cool.

we have disciple now this weekend, it should be fun. i havent started packing yet, but thats my style.

dont you hate it when your waiting for something in the mail and it doesnt come. i guess it'll get here next week.

so far this semester has been pretty dang good. not too bad.

i wore shorts today, that was some good stuff. i need to go to the mall and get some new shoes.



February 03 2006
i like it!!! have an amazing weekend!

Megan Polis

February 03 2006
What happen to the boy I used to sit by in band class??? He went somewhere and I haven't seen him in awhile.

Whitney Sanders

February 04 2006
I love the hair! have a great week!