starting over; break

January 02 2006

i'm going to start looking on the bright side of things again. used to no matter what happened everything was still gravy. even though things dont work out for me how i want them to, it doesnt matter. things can always be worse. things arent as bad as i think they are, but their not always peachy

i also need to strengthen my walk with God. right now i'm just coasting by, but that definately isnt good enough.

this break has been pretty good. we might go fly my remote control air plane that i got for christmas a couple of years ago. it'll be the maiden flight. and it'll be awesome. hopefully the weather will hold out. but if not, thats ok.

my dad was talking crazy. something about how we needed to cut two trees in the back yard this week. i dont think we will, but that means i gotta drive in one weekend and do it. should be fun. i really dont mind doing work like that, i just didnt want to have to do that on my break.

i better go.


Jason Thacker

January 02 2006
Do you still wanna go to the Guy's bible study at the college house on tues nights?


January 02 2006
*hug* If you believe thats a strong enough faith. Or at least I think so -- I used to be very religious, but I haven't set foot inside a church for the last 3-4 years, but it doesn't mean I don't believe in god (actually I don't per say).... Okay never mind xD -- lets just leave it at its about the faith :P Thanks for the compliment on my work btw~


January 02 2006
Dankashen... crap I have so much work... *sigh* later