

Five Days

September 08 2005
It's been five days since I've posted... woopdy doo!

Is it possible to have good things that aren't God things? Today, I had a good thing happen and I don't know if it's a God thing. I guess time will tell.

One not-so-good thing is that I'm still looking for a new habitat. Dunno whether it's going to be an apartment or a house. I guess time will tell.

I emailed my J-Group tonight. Haven't gotten any replies back, but it is early yet. I'm going to try to meet with them on Monday. I hear I may get a few more guys, but I'm not positive. I guess time will tell.

Monday night, at intercession, I spent almost the entire time praying about a specific issue. It's amazing how God does His thing. A few things might be starting to change. What does the future hold? I guess time will tell.

P.S. A good friend of mine is having a baby TODAY (Friday)!!!! I'm so excited. He's going to be a daddy to a little baby boy! I couldn't be happier for him. It is truly amazing how God can turn circumstances for the better. Tolkien called it eucatastrophe. Whatever the case, Pray for the baby and family.

Rachael Moore

September 09 2005
it was nice seeing you yesterday! i am happy to hear that God is answering your prayers. He is always faithful. i will be praying about your situation. God will continue to work it all out. have a great day!


September 09 2005
"Every good and pefect gift comes from the Lord." I'm not sure where that is... but the Bible said it so it is true!


September 09 2005
a baby i love lil babies!!! God things are amazing!!! have a amazing weekend!

Paul Morgan

September 09 2005
I'm gonna be an uncle!!! :)


September 16 2005
That's crazy about your b'day! My mom's on the 29th, so you're right in between us!

Nathan Moore

September 16 2005
you ppw count is down... post per week, that is.