


October 30 2005
Phusebox is probably about to be inundated with posts like this, but whatever. Here's $0.02:

Fall retreat was good. The speaker was amazing. I got the chance to talk to him quite a bit. His heart is awesome. God time was abundant, love that. The stars were magnificant.

 I love my friends. Sounds kinda sappy, but it's true. Here's the problem though, I don't know if they need me as much as I need them. I try not to be needy. I try to be a passive friend. I like to think they know they can come to me whenever they want or need. I don't think I'm at the top of anyone's list. That's not really a bad thing, but it sure would be nice to be needed sometimes.

I don't usually ask for prayer on here, but I desperately need it now. Firstly, a few of my friendships are tanking horribly. I'm totally helpless on this and absolutely don't know what to do. Secondly, a few friends of mine are going through trials. They hurt and I can't do anything about it. It makes my heart ache. Lastly, I know God has asked me to be single for now. Most of the time I am content with that, but sometimes I get an overwhelming feeling of lonliness and miss the companionship, the deeper relationship that comes with sharing life with someone.
Thank you for praying for these things. Even if you just mention it once, I appreciate it greatly.

Lacy Evans

October 30 2005
Nate! Oh my goodness! My heart tugs at your post! Know that I am praying for you! -Lacy P.S.-NEVER think that you are not needed!


October 30 2005
you are always needed!! well for me at least!! sometime i think your tha only one that understands me and listens...well you and Jamie!!! thank you for your friendship!!! thanks for tha talk this weekend!!! :) adios!!! PS i have something i need to tell you later!! God just gave me peace about something!!

Rachael Vance

October 30 2005
hey nate!! i don't even know u that well and i need u! u are a very good person and fun to be around! i do know what u mean. i always feel like my friends don't need me as much as i need them. i don't think i'm at the top of anyone's list, either...and u know what? that is ok, because God has his reasons for everything, even when we cannot see them. i never thought anyone else knew what i meant, and i'm glad to know that u do! i'm definitely praying for u, man. i hope to get to talk to u more. have an amazing week! -R


October 31 2005
what's up?


November 01 2005
i know i need ya! especially here lately! you've done so much just by listening! thanks! you're in my prayers!