

Control Freak

October 23 2005
A friend of mine told me something tonight that I haven't heard in a while, but probably needed to hear. I over-analyze. I see a situation or a problem and immediately start thinking about the possibilities for change. My mind wanders/wonders. Hmm....

After reconsidering my thought about reading minds, I decided that it would definately be a plus. I would much rather read minds, not like what I see, and know it's truth than not read a mind and live in a lie. Not that this has any importance whatsoever. It'll never happen. I don't care what Mel Gibson says.

Jamie Smith

October 23 2005
Hey Nate it was really awesome talking to you last night! I hope things can get a little more easier for you and all the stuff you got on your mind! But if ya need someone to talk to you can give me a call!

Matt Fisher

October 23 2005
Yea I'm in the same boat as you. I over-analyze everything as well. We just have to learn that God is in control of everything and that we are never in a situation where we can be in control. And reading minds would be cool too.


October 23 2005
yet...sometimes i dont think you want to read minds!!! you may not like what there thinking!!! and yes it is past my bed time but i really cant sleep soo yeah im up!