God is so good

July 22 2005
As the deer thirsts for the water, Lord
so my soul longs after You.
My soul thirsts for the living God
My soul longs after You
And I pour out my soul deep within me,
deep within me I pour out my soul
Draw me deeper Lord, deeper Lord in You.
Draw me deeper Lord, deeper Lord in You.

^ I love that song!
God continues to bless me each and every day.
Today He's shown me that I only need to rejoice in Him and seek after Him alone that is how I can truly find contentment and assurance in this life. He is always there protecting me and I shouldn't worry about a thing. College is soon approaching, and with that comes new people, a new place, and my future lying ahead of me. So many endless possibilities and so much more room for growth spiritually. My only hope is that I'll become all that God has ever wanted me to be. I love all of you and just am so blest to have such great, Christian friends in my life. I hope you all have a great day!