

Relationship Status


so I havent updated in forever

November 05 2006

Im ok with my friend taylor being gone, still upsetting

I hate saying goodbye to ppl.. its stupid

Anyway so halloween was AWESOME!

The weekend before halloween I still celebrated with friends, so much fun!!!

Homecoming was this past friday , and Our homecoming float WAS THE BEST AND U KNOW IT!!!! WOOHUU!

Anyway I <3 my friends and I would die right now for every single one  ...

I <3 music too... without it wow cant even imagine

without god I would be lost.. even though I need to get stronger , its hard to get stronger ...but its a day to day process

 WATCH this video, it  touched me : the link url :

Also it made me feel disgusting about myself.. but never again

God does wash away our sins, but ppl today need to learn to try not to ... I cant believe he did that for us... like im not kidding, everyday we should all feel like that before we do something stupid.. its hard for an everyday basis,  I know it is hard.. but we should all try

I hope everyone is doing good, I  miss people =/.

My lifre is good though , always there is something upsetting, but I have to get past it .. bc in the end everything will be ok ... PATIENCE  is the key to everything, and thats hard too , but I can have patience, I just have to listen to what God is telling me ... and live for him , not myself


Nathan Moore

November 08 2006
hang in there...