I hate hurricanes...

July 09 2005
Well thanks to the hurricane we may not be goin' to RYM... hmmm.... I haven't been in town so I haven't heard much but apparently the hurricane could prevent the week from going as planned... Oh well.... *sigh*...

So I'm on my way home today! YESSS!!!! Drumset here I come.... yay....

Gloria Patri
the OTHER nathan

Becky A.

July 09 2005
Yea, it's been cancelled.

Mary Lauren

July 09 2005
yay nathans coming home!!! well if you arent going to the whatever call me and maybe we can work out a day this week when me and you and wes can JAM...hah. and thanks for the comment on the pictures. very funny. have a great week. Let God rock it. +The Happy Nut+

Mary Lauren

July 09 2005
by "the whatever" i mean RYM...lol sorry.