Erica Polson
Relationship Status
In A Relationship
Favorite Music
Emo and punk but I listen to every kind out there.
Favorite Movies
lol Anchorman
Favorite Books
I don\'t read not illiterate, just too busy...
...just another song you dont know
November 14 2005
lol the kid.
My heterosexual life mate that none of you ohs kids know C-town <3
We All Know Who This Is 4
Chris Slate,
November 14 2005
u just refferred to me as a female breast support item... haha... yeh thats me... lol... whats goin on... n2ms here... keep it cool yo...
Steph Rad
November 15 2005
ya looks like you got one pretty cool so cool ummm i feel bad.... this sux i feel bad for what i said sorry..