
February 16 2006
mtsu just keeps coming up...and everything is falling in quite nicely...this is not what i planned for my life....but then again, im sure god has a different plan

Robin Morrison

February 17 2006
just remember the possibilities are limitless. i'll be praying for you. God will give you the direction that you need and desire. if you need anything at all, or if you ever just need to talk, you know i'm here. have a great weekend...next weekend you'll be hanging with me...exciting, huh?!?! i know i'm totally pumped! can't wait to see what all HE has in store for us.. love you lots..robin :)

Carla Simpson

February 17 2006
are you possibly going to MT? how exciting!!

Hawaii Boys

February 17 2006
well hey there, its been a while, hows the whole life thing going for you?........and she might be going to MT? -Hodge

Chad Fisher

February 17 2006
heard you might have a roommate already too..


February 17 2006
god always has a better plan for you than you do for youself.. hehe i think thats how that saying goes.. right??

the brian king kenobi

February 17 2006
how's that song go? "if you wanna hear God laugh, tell Him your plans" or something like that . . . but it's still good to have an idea, i guess.

Ashley Schreiber

February 21 2006
are you thinking about mtsu now? :o) If you need to come visit to make your decision... you've got a room here!! Hope you're having a great day, and just know that God knows what's best and no amount of our own will will be even close to what He's got on the agenda. :o) keep praying about it, and I'll be praying for you too!! It's a tough decision, I know...