A Weekend Walking in Memphis (from Facebook)

September 17 2006

What a weekend . . . I know that people don't usually enjoy reading play-by-plays of what people did, but . . . this weekend was too good not to.

So after eating the free food at Noonday with Nikki and Rachel, Nikki and I headed to "Kosovo" Kroger. We made a slight detour to PetCo, however, to look at hamsters.

Once in Kosovo, it took us a good two hours or so to find everything we needed . . . and ended up costing us more than 50 dollars. We paid about half of that in change, much to the dismay of the worker working the check-out line (not to mention everyone behind us in line).

When we finally had everything we needed, we went over to Nikki's apartment where we began the preparatory work on the meal for the Fiesta Friday bash. Josh showed up to help with the cooking, and by the time we were done the entire can of seasoning that we had bought was gone. Mmmm, tasty.

The full menu ended up somewhere along the lines of: chips, salsa, rotel, my cheese dip, tacos, burritos, Mexican rice, some AWESOME punch, and assorted condiments.

Nikki's radio was requisitioned and Relient K was soon blaring as Nikki, Josh, Rachel, Kyle, Whitney, Kelly, Kerri, myself, and a few others that I can't recall the names of at this hour began to stuff our faces. And of course Valerie and Aly made various appearances through the night.

We watched the movie "Dodgeball" on the tv (brought over from my room because Nikki doesn't have one), and it was decided that we are going to meet every Friday to eat and watch a movie. Next week is Italian themed, and Kyle's responsibility . . . I need a break.

Kelsey and Cameron finally showed up about halfway through the movie, and with our party then complete I was able to begin work on my masterpiece . . .


Yes, I said it. I cooked it. It was amazing. I can't wait to do it again.

Anyway, we ate that while Cameron and Kelsey worked on the leftover Mexican food. After all the food was gone, we decided that we wanted to do breakfast in the morning . . . but we didn't have any bacon. So where better to go on a search for bacon at midnight? Why, Arkansas, of course.

So Cameron, Kelsey, and I piled into Rachel's car and headed to Arkansas . . . where they aparently don't have bacon. Or anything else. So we went back to Memphis and stopped in Piggly Wiggly.

Of course, I showed them Beale . . . and we explored the Peabody further. And we did various other things you can do (when you live in a real city) until 3 or so in the morning.

And thus concludes Friday.

Saturday was a little more calm. It involved French toast and bacon for breakfast, a campus tour, my world-famous chocolate chip cookies, a game of Risk, and "The Producers."

And now Cameron and Kelsey have gone back to Murfreesboro . . . and I think I will be coming to visit there in a couple weeks.

So, after all that, I'm really tired. Goodnight.

Sarah Vermillion

September 17 2006
"So Cameron, Kelsey, and I piled into Rachel's car and headed to Arkansas . . . where they aparently don't have bacon. Or anything else."<br><br>Ahahahahahaha...


September 17 2006
I want to try fried ice cream!


September 17 2006
I'm glad you're enjoying Memphis!

bryan Rodriguez

September 17 2006
if next week is italian you should go and watch goodfellas because its seriously the best mobster movie waaayyyy better than the godfater

Kelly Sullivan

September 17 2006
Hey, jerk: I miss you, we haven't talked in a while. Glad you were able to fry the ice cream without turning the building into an incinerator.