Rachael Moore


Relationship Status



January 07 2007
each of us are born on to this earth with a completely blank canvas. we hold the paints in our hands and we choose how the painting will look. everyday we have thousands of choices to make. small ones and huge ones that can effect the outcome of our painting. we can choose to float through life or we can choose to live life. we can choose to use our precious time here to make a difference. to touch many lives and leave behind sweet memories.

i think back to ellen. i am amazed at the legacy she left behind. she left beauty and God's love everywhere she went. you could see it on the faces of all who loved her. the same with bruce. and recently with my cousin, katie. she lived her life to the fullest. she got what it is all about. they all painted beautiful pieces of art with their lives.

i don't know about you, but i want mine to be a masterpiece.


January 07 2007
i love this. i want mine to be a masterpiece too. i'm so sorry about your cousin. i absolutely love you! let me know if you need anything! seriously, i would love to do anything for you.


January 07 2007
That is amazing I would like to be rembered as that. A masterpeice. Someone who loved everyone and who everyone loved because he showed the truth of God's mercy and love.


January 08 2007
so we know about this incredible God that we serve, right? i dunno if your bro told you, but out of 24,000 people at passion, kristen and i ended up standing right beside him on the very last night. it was quite random and started out with me making fun of his height.... his candle kept getting blown out....

Bethany Bratcher

January 09 2007
I read the last remark and thought, "Rachael has a brother?!" But then realized she was probably talking about Jonathan. Heehee. I, like Sarah am very sad for you. It's funny how we have the urge to try and do something to make it better, when we can't, but I will be praying, which I guess is best of all.


January 10 2007
Mmmm... I haven't decided yet, ha ha... I've been distracted all day...


January 14 2007
Thank you. I appriciate it. : )