Rachael Moore


Relationship Status


ode to tommy the cheese puff

July 02 2005
guess what time i got home last night??? ummm about 5:00 am. l-o-n-g trip, but so worth it. it started out with a large bag of cheese puffs, ok, so it really started out with a lot of rain, but i like the cheese puffs a lot better. cheese puffs, orange soda, and three chocolate bars. yeah, those melted. oh well. anyway, so after we got our food, we were off to ohio. we stopped by bethany's grandparents house to eat lunch. they kept offering us all kinds of food. haha. they were so nice! so hours later we arrived in some city, a little past dayton. some people were smart and sat outside the concert by the fountain. if i lived there, i would so do that. howie day went on first, then gavin went on. it was a pretty good show. i got distracted about 80% of the time, due to the interesting people around us. and on the way back comes the best parts in my opinion. if you starbucks lovers ever wished to yourselves, "man, i wish this place was opened 24 hours...", well i went to one!!! oh yeah, a 24 hour starbucks!!! i heard some angels sing in the back ground. it was pretty great. and then i laughed so hard when elizabeth stuck her head out the window at the mcdonalds drive through because of some smells coming from a gas station sandwich. haha. she rolled my window down too. haha. wow. then we stopped to take pictures of the scariest/funniest Jesus statue i have ever seen.

photo from rachael

i am just glad i am already a christian. that would creep me out a bit if i wasn't. wow.

great conversations, big bags of cheese puffs, good music, a 24 hour "heaven", and a really really really big Jesus statue. that basically sums it up. fun times.

well, kids, i hope you have a terrific day!

Shannon Barron

July 02 2005
Hey I just wanted to tell you that I love you lots and I miss you like crazy and Happy LATE LATE birthday. Sorry it is taking me so long to write you!!!


July 02 2005
haha! sounds like u had an awesome time! i'm glad u did! love ya girl and catch up on tha sleep! :o)

Ashley Davis

July 02 2005
thanks for your support! i am glad you like my movies. :)


July 02 2005
awww that is a freaky statue of jesus!! haha. love you lots and your AWESOME!!!!!!! way way way too cool for school!

elizabeth duncan

July 03 2005
so, it's 9:34 am and i just woke up...went to sleep at 4:30 yesterday afternoon. nice.


July 03 2005
I like Italians.