Roxanne Acree


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September 01 2005
hey guys! thanks so much for praying for HIlton. Prayer makes a difference! anybody who tells you otherwise is WRONG! well Ballard is a lot bigger than i thought it was going to be! Today i was switched into an all sophemore honors biology class. I really disliked that class i was in (Advanced Biology) but im still kindve upset. I sat next to a really cool girl named Emily and there was this really cute guy in that class that i liked to talk to! hahaha! well my day was good. volleyball was cancelled. i dont know how i feel about that. I love volleyball so much but it feels GREAT to have a day off!!!!!!! if yall wanna check up on Hilton click on this. this. well im gonna go do homework. i feel bad cause i did
n o t h i n g
in class today so my homework is going to be CRAP! leave a comment!!!!! xOoX


September 09 2005
hey hows it goin? yep prayer is awesome, can't wait for our small group at church sunday nite, i was sad we didn't have it last week, i love you girl! cya tonite at the lock in!