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everything lately.

July 14 2006

for some reason.. i am looking forward to band camp. cannot wait till july 28. mother &i are going to see gg & ben & cruise. i got back from florida monday, but my computer was being fixed &just got it back. i can burn cd`s again now.. i couldnt for the past year. i was practicing rifle last night, and got really pissed bc i was doing really bad but in practice earlier i was doing good. i couldnt do better than a 3 1/2, and so i chucked it, it bounced and hit me in the eye. [look at my newest picture.] ok i think thats all.


July 14 2006
Pauvre Bebe. Anger never solves anything. If I can make a shoddy 4, then I think you can do it too. Maybe you're trying too hard?

Michael Thoe

July 22 2006
Well, I hope band camp goes alright. JROTC will probably will be interrupting from time to time though which would be my fault since I am in charge...Sorry. Thanks for your input, though!