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DEDiCATED//pt. 1

January 11 2006

--being lazy.. copying from xanga..

ok.. this post is dedicated to justin..

one part of the wonderful djd..

ok well we started out when i was in 4th grade, in spectrum. he was just like any other kid in my opinion. we went to atl and beta conventions and stuff like that and had great times. then the night of graduation i looked up his number, among other peope, and then later we got aim and xangas and started talking alot more.  then eventually he became one of my bestfriends and vice-versa. then we had some problems.. i dont even remember one but i remember it was one of the worst times of my life. then we got better, and i introduced him to deborah. we went to the BOWLING ALLEY and michael came with us to the mall, applebees, and kohls. then they came over to my house to watch movies & hang out.. no michael lol. those were great times. lately we`ve been having problems tho. long story.. but i`m sure we`ve worked thru it. from what i can gather neither one of us can manage to live without the other in their lives. yes we both have other friends.. but we would need each other.

i meant to do this post a long time ago.. but wanted to wait, and this seemed like as good a time as any other.

lol btw im sick. yep ear infections in both ears, runny nose, headaches, that kinda stuff. doc said i almost had pneumonia -- i think thats how u spell it-- which is funny b/c of what deborah said.. but yeah.

Maja Opacic

February 03 2006
I am sorry you are not feling well! Hope you feel better soon!

Drink Dajen

March 04 2006
awww... sarah.. why dont you write me such nice things???

Drink Dajen

March 08 2006
i know that shirt is amazing.