Celia Teresa
Relationship Status
life, photography, music, writing, spinning in circles, dancing in private, talking, swinging, fashion
Favorite Music
tom petty, the fray, john mellencamp, daphne loves derby, james taylor, ben taylor, the black crowes, fall out boy, panic! at the disco, aerosmith, rollingstones, jack johnson, ray lamontagne, bruce springsteen, the doobie brothers, nickelback, sister hazel, the goo goo dolls, patty griffin, my chemical romance, well..you get the picture
Favorite Movies
elizabethtown, pride and predjudice, benny and joon, crash
Favorite Books
pride and prejudice, scribbler of dreams
October 16 2006
hey there
thought you should know

he says he wants to marry me in three years
but he'll wait
I say he's sweet
and I am most definately beyond in love
thought you should know

he says he wants to marry me in three years
but he'll wait
I say he's sweet
and I am most definately beyond in love
beth cooper
October 16 2006
aww yay, im so happy that ur happy cuz it makes me happy and ive now said happy 3 times in one sentence. (make that four.) haha