

Relationship Status



Siegel High


October 12 2005
Anyone who thinks sunshine is happiness has never danced in the rain.

so yeah. I saw that quote yesterday and really liked it, and thought i would share it...

in other news, cameron made a mistake. and a pretty big one. cameron's not sure if he can fix it, either... let's hope so. that'd be grand.

and for the first time in over two months, i'm having a bad day.
c'est la vie


October 12 2005
I wish I had as few bad days as do. I hope your situation gets better!

Sarah Vermillion

October 12 2005
That quote is amazing. Good luck with the fixing whatever it is.

Stephanie Levine

October 12 2005
I'm sorry. I hope everything gets worked out. I had a bad day too. Let's go cry...

Cara Hawkins

October 12 2005
Things will work out they always do..and besides atleast seniors didn't loose to the freshman or something.