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Siegel High

konichiwa, kenshin

February 27 2006

my weekend was [mostly] boring. most of my time i spent sitting around wishing that someone happened to be in town to do something with. especially with one weekend and model un going on, my friend list was rather depleted.

friday night i ate with roy's family [my mom's fiance]. it was a lot of fun but the fact that within a year, Mr. Davenport might very well die of cancer made it hard to truly enjoy my time.

and then i heard about Danyelle's death. that wasn't exactly the most encouraging thing i had heard in a while. i went to her visitation yesterday, and i must say that seeing a closed casket was much harder to bear than any of the open caskets i've crossed. i really want to go to her funeral today, but unfortunately i can't.

tomorrow, i get to go the ranstad building in smyrna for my job interview. funfunfuuuun...*looks around hastily for a sharp pen* i'm hoping to work for nissan this summer, in their summer temp program. basically, you work full-time during the summer and come out with a good five grand. hopefully, i won't have to work during the school year, and simply focus on school and not school, without that whole job/money thing getting in the way.

so yeah, life is pretty interesting right now.

on a slightly related note, so are dreams. i hardly ever have dreams. it's literally been months since i've had a dream. and even when i do have dreams, it almost never involves people i actually know. now, for two nights in a row, i've had dreams involving a particular person, and i'm left to wonder WHAT THE HECK?!?! it's hard to explain how incredibly unusual it is. and the identity of the person in question makes it even more bizarre… and how this person in intricately involved in the massive chaos known as my life.

any answer is better than the confusion.

Stephanie Rich

February 27 2006
Mostly boring...pshhh! You know you LOVED shoe shopping with me. Plus it was so handy having a guy with a good six plus inches taller than me to reach the highest darn shelf where the shoes I liked were. Plus you ate some of my broccoli and mashed potatoes... and a little bit of Jessi's chicken... You know you liked it....

Cara Hawkins

February 27 2006
So could this mystery person be a girl? I think I am right..

Chad Fisher

February 27 2006
Ha! the interview is just to fill out paper work and take a drug test.. I've got my training Saturday morning 6am-2:30... maybe i'll see you around.


February 27 2006
According to my psych book, you have dreams every night, and probably about people you do know, you just don't remember them. Sorry... I'm just proving I have retained some knowledge in that class considering my upcoming test in there...