NUMB3RS: Season Two

September 23 2005

Ok, so since I was a small, girl-fearing kid, I have had a fascination with math. I would work with little puzzles and such as a pastime. I even got a visitor to our house one night to explain long division to me several years before I first got a taste of it in school. I guess it always interested me... how you could "play" with numbers and come out with answers that explain certain properties of our world...

So, in high school, I took advanced math classes and even memorized a string of digits from pi in my boredom during one of my classes. Despite not being focused on lectures, I was fascinated by how numbers could really explain everything in nature, and it even helped me grasp a better understanding of God... with all the order in chaos (simple chaos theory) and all the probabilities that can only point to an intelligent creator. Whether it is the finbonacci sequence found everywhere in nature to the simple, yet profound, pobability theory that stares evolution into its own "survival of the fittest," math is what operates our world.

All this to say, one of my favorite series on television is NUMB3RS. If you have not seen the show, or are bored easily by mathmatics and number theory, basically, this mathematician solves FBI crimes based on some theory of mathematics. It is very intriguing.

The second season debuted tonight and it was great. I have been looking forward to this new season ever since the last episode last season, but at last, it is here. I will now be spending my Friday nights in front of a television tuned to CBS (or record it on my ReplayTV and watch it at my leisure)...

If you have not yet seen it, you really should at least give it a chance. It comes on at 10 PM EST on CBS Friday nights.


September 23 2005
yep sure was

Matt Beck

September 23 2005
And they even talked about Pi tonight!!! Nathan, we are really big nerds but we always look cool so therefore according to my calculations we pretty much rock.

Rachael Moore

September 23 2005
a girl-fearing boy. aww how cute. too bad i missed it, and too bad you missed andy. youre pretty cool.


September 24 2005
I am intrigued that people are intrugued by such things... hee hee... seriously though, it sounds cool even though I'm not into math.

Bethany Bratcher

September 24 2005
and somehow you managed to get your impressionable little sister to memorize the numbers of pi as well...skills!


September 24 2005
CRAP!!! I totally forgot that was coming out...

Hanna F.

September 24 2005
i like that show =D


September 24 2005
how u said u were when u were younger sounds so much like my friend Charlie... haaha