
September 16 2005
If you have an and use it while you run or work out, check out JogTunes. This website has user-submitted playlists specifically designed to pace your workout. Very cool. Too bad I do not run unless I have a barking dog running after me...


September 16 2005
hey man, it wont let me message you at the moment so i thought i would do it this way... i would like to try that moblogging thing if your still lookin... just msg me and let me know what i can do... talk to you soon!


September 16 2005
Ha ha me too...

Bethany Bratcher

September 16 2005
seriously LOL-a barking dog? You are one funny cookie, Nathan Moore


September 17 2005
Why thank yah. I'm pretty fond of it too. It's a local guy (jeffrey Joslin)He's pretty cool.


September 18 2005
you know it's five in the morning and i have no idea why i'm up.


September 18 2005
lol.... haha ... thats pretty cool. apple just thinks of everything these days...


September 18 2005
haha you funny