9/11 4 Years Later

September 11 2005
So, tonight, I decided to walk down to Ground Zero since it is the four year anniversary of the day that changed America. Four years ago, I would have never guessed that I would be walking right next to where those buildings stood.

The mood on that block tonight was unreal, almost eerie. As and family came to place flowers in memory of their loved ones, others just stood in awe. There were so many candles lit, each representing some person's life that was taken that day. Unbelievable. It is strange how tonight, it was if no one was able to hold their New Yorker face on. No one was able to "not care." It was impossible.

I decided to take my camera along to report back to PhuseBox, so here is the recap:

The light towers behind Trinity Church

Matt Beck

September 11 2005
Wow Nathan... Those are some amazing photos. I'm glad you were able to make it to ground zero tonight to pay respect. 9-11 was a turning point in all of our lives as well as the history of our great country. We must never forget what happened on that day in September when our country and everything that it stands for was attacked. Just as Ronald Reagan said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." Goodnight.


September 11 2005
wow... those pictures are awesome.. i have never been to new york .. but i would love to sometime it looks like such cool place. did you live there when the towers were hit ?

Bethany Bratcher

September 11 2005
so sad...

Joy Fanguy

September 11 2005
thanks for sharing nathan...those pictures hit the spot for my mood tonight

Julie Brockwell

September 12 2005
Wow...Those pictures are so amazing!! It is good for us to remember what happened on that day 4 years ago!! Thank again for the pictures.


September 12 2005
Wow. That's awesome. I didn't even think about the fact that you could go over there and visit.

Ashley Byars

September 12 2005
HEY!!! So guess who my college minister is?!? You will never guess...ok, maybe you will...Matthew Harding!!! Isn't that cool!! lol, well, I thought it was cool anyway. ttyl, hope you are having a GREAT week!!!! smile~ash


September 12 2005
Nathan, The pictures are really good. You have an artist's eye. We must always remember that freedom is not free. Your grandfather fought in WWII to protect your freedom and there are people dying in Iraq today to make sure America is free and to defeat the terrorist. Thank God that you have the opportunity to live in the USA. You are blessed. Remember the many that have died and the many who have fought for our freedoms over the years. We owe them alot. Never take freedom for granted. I hope you have had a great day!